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Artemis had the unconscious Count Tyrian dragged from the back of his throne. The guards were disgusted when they handled him, he was as wet as a rug due to his sweat.

Artemis had Jord and Toby drag the count to the courtyard. Artemis then stood in front of the throne and looked at Reinhard and the knights in the room with him.

"Wart..." Reinhard said.

"Wart is your master?" 

Artemis nodded. 

Reinhard and everyone thought Wart died in the forest because once the people are exiled to the Uncharted Forest, they won't be seen again because of countless magical monsters in the massive forest.

He sat himself back on the throne and raised his leg over his other leg. 

"A few days ago. I proclaimed Wart as my king, and so, he shall be a king. But how can he be a king without a proper fief?" Artemis said.

"But why us? Why did you choose us? You could've just made your own fief and lured the people away," Reinhard said. 

"It's simple. It's because Wart himself was the one who told me to liberate you," Artemis said.

Reinhard and the rest of the soldiers felt something warm in their chest.

"Is that so.." 

"Indeed, he is a man of honor, dignity, and kindness. A man like him deserves to hold the mantle of King," Artemis said.

"But.." Artemis frowned. His frown exuding an aura of terror. 

"He is a dwarf, I know most of you are aware but just because he is a dwarf does not mean he does not have the qualities of a human king, say that to the Meccan Kingdom. You are all the same, the only difference is the name of your race but in mind and soul, all of you are equal," Artemis said.

Everyone then looked at each other.

Most of the knights were humans but Artemis noticed that there were a few beastmen and elves in the mix.

"And if any of you defy him, I will end you at the spot," Artemis said.

Reinhard bowed his head further. 

"I promise you, I shall not let that happen!" Reinhard said.

Artemis nodded and then looked at the soldiers behind him.

"Well?" Artemis asked.

"We will follow your example!"  They shouted.

Not because they genuinely wanted to change their perception, no, Artemis knew they only complied out of fear.

But Artemis was going to change that. Despite ruling through fear and bloodshed himself, ever since his encounter with the goddess left him scarred and the dreams he had been having have returned to his memory, he felt a slight tinge of humanity return to him.

But he was still all for bloodshed, the only difference was that it had to be justified.

Artemis stood from the throne and began walking down the red carpet. 

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