Chapter 19

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Xiaos pov

Today we got a half day of school since tomorrow is New Years Eve. Are classes were now shorten.

I was walking with Venti as usual until we got to the main gate of the school. "Well I gotta go somewhere real quick, where do we meet up?" Venti said while walking backwards. Is he going to reply to my note? I stared blankly at him. "Hellooo Xiaoooo~" He waved his hand in front of my face. "Oh uh just meet me by the library." I responded. We had 10 minutes of free time before we went to class. Since it was a half day they started to do that.

He smiled and dismissed himself from my sight. I stood there for a few seconds. Should I follow him? What if I see him reply to my note? Eventually I made up my mind and decided to follow him.

There were a few times where he would look behind him. I would quickly hide behind a pillar or behind a wall, and luckily he never noticed me. Soon he walked into the music room with a folded paper in his hand. So it must me him! I smiled as I watched him from afar open the pianos lid and place his note were I left mine.

He walked out skipping through the halls with a cute smile. When I was sure he wasn't looking I ran into the music room and took his note.

That's good to hear you'll be at the festival! And I'm kinda nervous you might've figured out who I am. I'm just hoping it's actually me this time and not Aether.

I love you Xiao! And I hope I get to actually say it to you someday.

The last phrase he wrote made my heart skip a beat. So it really is him! I smiled happily as I walked out and met Venti near the Library. I had a huge smile plastered on my pale skin. Venti probably noticed in which he struck a huge curious smile.

"Wow! You should smile more Xiao!" He laughed. I know it's you...I wanted to say. And I love you too. "What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" He looked at his nose and started whipping invisible stuff off his cheeks. "Ah uhm it's nothing..." I looked away embarrassed.

He shrugged his shoulders and began to talk again. "So are you planning to go with anyone to the New Years Festival?" His eyes had a look of curiosity in them. I couldn't help but smile again. "Actually yeah I had someone in mind." "Oh who is it!" He put his arms behind his back and leaned in front of my face. As if he was waiting for me to say it was him.

I could see every detail of him. His light pink lips forming a smile. His pale skin having a tint of pink on them. As if they painted his face. And his eyes, the one main thing I fell for. They were always full of love and happiness. So much hope that I could drown in them. In which I did.

"Would you like to go with me?" I held his hand lightly, not wanting to let go of him. This sudden gesture surprised him. The light tint of pink suddenly began to spread rapidly across his whole face. "I- me?" He stuttered. "Yes you." I smiled warmly. He smiled back and giggled. "Yay! I was hoping you would say that." He took back his hand and began to run away. "Where are you going!?" I yelled with a smile. "To class! What else?!" He laughed at me. I really didn't mind anymore.

Lumine pov 👴🏻🦶🏻

I was sitting in class so bored that not even my own brother could cure my boredom; that was until I realized that tomorrow was finally the big day. The day the gang has been waiting for, for months! Suddenly I got fired up that I started writing a note to pass it on to my brother.

Bro can't you believe that finally they get to tell each other how they feel?! Like FUCKING YES!! GOD THEY ARE SO DENSE I MIGHT HAVE ACTUALLY LOST HOPE FOR A SECOND.

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