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~( Sophie's Perspective )~

"What do you mean it's your fault?" Sophie asked as Keefe rushed in with Ro.

"You know where Kye's parents are?" Keefe asked as he walked in.

Councilor Terik looked from Sophie to Keefe as if unsure which person to answer first.

"Yes... well it's sort of a puzzle which I think I can let Sophie project onto paper from my memory, but I do have to warn you that the Neverseen have a plan, they let me find this information so they must be planning something." Councilor Terik said addressing his information about Kye's parents.

"I don't care, we can figure the details out later," Keefe said, looking expectantly at Sophie and she nodded, although she'd have to make sure Keefe didn't get reckless after they figured out what sort of puzzle it was.

"Wait." Councilor Terik said , before Sophie could allow herself into his mind again. 

"There's something I need to show you first, something that changes everything, something I should have shared as soon as I learned of it." Councilor Terik said and for a second Sophie could see shame in his eyes. 

"All right, show me." Sophie said and Councilor Terik nodded. 

"Be prepared." Terik said and Sophie let herself into his mind and felt a memory push to the surface as she watched it play out... 


"You did it! You passed the elite levels." A considerably younger version of Councilor Terik said, rushing towards a girl with a hood over her head which kept those who looked over from figuring out who she was. 

"I know, I can't believe it. After every hurdle with my ability, I finally did it." The girl said, her voice filled with jubilation.

"I'm so proud of you," Terik said, his eyes shining as he leaned forward to hug the girl in the hood, joy riveting throughout him.

"Thanks, I just... I wish you could've been there for graduation, it's not fair that they're holding you back due to the lack of knowledge on your ability, they won't even let you use it, it's ridiculous." The girl said, leaning back from their embrace.

"Yeah about that... I have something to show you," Terik said, holding his hand out to her and grabbing a crystal from his pocket.

Terik grinned when she put her hand in his, lifting his crystal to the sky to teleport them.

"Where are we?" his hooded friend asked after they'd reached their first destination to reveal a familiar area.

"Atlantis, I was given a crystal here by Fallon Vacker, I guess it pays to make friends huh? Who knew he'd end up as one of the first members of Nobility?"

"Only you would see friendship as a means of getting into Atlantis, only you." The girl said and Terik smiled at her once again.

"So why are we here anyway? You said you wanted to show me something?" Terik laughed at this, grabbing her hand once again.

"Follow me," Terik said and brought her across the magical town where humans and elves lived alike. 

"We're here," Terik said when he reached the majestic Unity Fountain that had been created in honor of the treaty with the humans.

"Nice... fountain? I mean it's not like this is the first time I've seen this so I hope this isn't all you wanted to show me." The girl said and Terik flashed a smirk.

"Just you wait," Terik said as he glanced around making sure no one would notice, thankfully it was dark and no one was near but you could never be too careful.

"What do you-" The girl started to speak till Terik messed with a piece of the statue that revealed an entrance into a much larger facility.

Wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder he helped her inside the somewhat hidden facility underneath the fountain. 

"What is this place?" She asked, glancing around the perimeter as they went through the dark halls of the ancient underground tunnel that led into a room with bare walls. 

"I've been trying to figure that out myself, Fallon said he was poking around in Atlantis and found this place. There's a library to the left that contains the journal of someone who claimed to have the abilities of a Descryer like I did." Terik said, leading her to the room.

"I've been reading it and trying to figure out how to use my ability, and I think I've finally got it. We found a few volunteers among the elves and then realized we might as well try it on the humans to see if it felt any different descrying them." Terik said and let go of the girl who leaned her head back, seeming impressed.

"And what were your results? Was it any harder with the humans?"

"After we found a few human volunteers whom we could swear to secrecy I tried descrying them and... it was so different, but not in the ways I'd expected. When I descryed an elf it was like... it was like so many strands of love and hate and possibility all unraveled to reveal the greatest accomplishments and joy anyone could ever feel. Whispers of secrets never uncovered seemed to bring a sense of... it's so difficult to explain but... prosperity. Sure their was a chance for failure but all of elves I tested had hardly any capacity for harm considering our minds may break through guilt, but..."

"But what?" The girl asked, noticing his pause.

 "When I descryed the humans it was so different, the strands of love and trust were cut so short as if bludgeoned by a sharp ax. But the chance for hatred always felt so unmasked, so unclear and yet as if a smack to my face, it was just so hard to read and project into anything fathomable. The chance for love was the same as the chance for evil, for destruction." Terik said and paused when his friend started laughing.

"What?" He asked, blushing and feeling self-conscious.

"You sound like I did when I first tried explianing my ability to my parents, you know... maybe I could help you. I might not be a descryer but as an empath, I might be able to get some sort of a result and if we had help from Fallon as well maybe he could bring memories to their mind and I could figure out their reactions or... something."

"You're serious?" Terik asked and smiled as she nodded.

"Yep, and hey, when we figure this all out the mentors at Foxfire will be begging you to use your ability."

"I hope so," Terik said and for some reason couldn't tear his gaze away from the girl in front of him.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," He said after a moment.

"Good thing I'm not going anywhere." The girl said, reaching for his hand. 

For a second all they could do was stare at each other. Finally they broke contact both laughing. 

"Getting a little warm in here eh?" Terik said.

"Not really," The girl said and he smiled as she pulled off her hood to reveal a slender youth with dark brown hair and azure blue eyes.


After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now