Chapter 23: Matthew and Darcy's Epic Bucket List

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-Darcy's POV-

"Darcy what are you talking about?" he asks me confused. 

"Becca" I say and his eyes snap to meet mine.

"Why would you be talking to Becca on my phone? And why would you even think that she would be my side girl?" he says sounding even more confused than ever.

"You and her still talk all the time she said, she said that you are still inlove with her, and that the two of you hangout all the time" I say feeling more hurt than angry.

"And you believed her? How could you believe that I would even be remotely close to inlove with her when you know how I feel about you?" he asks. "And I haven't even spoken to Becca since we broke up which was months ago" he says. 

"You called her last night" I say.

"Darcy. You saw how I was last night I probably called all of my contacts last night" he says to me. I pick up his phone and go to his recent calls and she was the only name on it and the call was for 2 hours long. I show him his phone. 

"The fact that she was the first person you thought to call out of everyone you know scares the crap out of me, and makes me think that what she said was true. If when your upset you think to call your ex girlfriend and just sit there and manage to talk to her for 2 hours. That scares the absolute crap out of me, I thought I would be the person you would call..." I say having to hold back the tears.

"I couldn't call you.. You were the reason I was upset and it's true I have no reasoning for calling her. But I was drunk, the drunkest I have ever been, and I tell you the truth, this was the only time I have spoken to her since we have broken up, I have not seen her either and even if I had. I love you more than anything in the entire world, nothing could ever change that. Dont let Becca get to you, she doesn't even deserve to be a thought in your head" he tells me and walks towards me planting a kiss on my forehead. "Now I like the effort for breakfast but i'm pretty sure it's all cold now" he says with a laugh. We heat up the breakfast and he gets ready and takes me to my house to get ready. It was already 9 so I knew I would miss the first little while of my first class. I get ready and he drops me off at school and drives away. He said he would be picking me up after school so now I had something to look forward to at the end of school, I walk into my class and everyone looks up at me. 

"Now why are you late Miss Styles" the teacher asks. 

"I was having problems this morning" if there are any perks of having a disease like mine it is something like this. I can use it for school things. The whole school knew about my condition so when she heard what I said she nods her head and lets me go to my desk. Everyone looks at me with sympathy. That part I hate, the sympathy. Like yeah I know it's rough I dont need all your support i'm doing just fine without it. 

The day takes forever to go by but once it's finally over I get a boost of excitement. Knowing that Matthew would be waiting outside. I walk out the doors and look around to try and find his car. Ok maybe he was running a little late. I pull out my phone to send him a text. He replied a few seconds later. Saying 'Sorry, class went over time a bit i'll be there in about 20 minutes' Great now I have to stand around out here for longer. I look over and see none other than Michael and his gang looking at me. When they see me looking at them they head towards me. Oh great. "What's up Darc" Michael says with a nasty smirk. I scoff. "Your boyfriend blowing you off? Guess that's what happens when you date your older brother" he says and all his friends break out in 'oos'. That was the worst burn I have ever heard in my life. I cant help but break out laughing. They all look at me confused. I just walk away from them unable to deal with how pathetic they all are. Following Michael around like puppies. A few minutes later Matthew's car pulls up and I couldn't have been more thankful. I hop in and lean over to give him a kiss on the cheek. 

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