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We stand before Grimauld Place,the previous home of the order. Ron closes the door behind me,leaving us in darkness until I switch on the lights of the hallway.

As the light travels through the slender room,I see a pile of dust turn to a wind. It gathers in the air and as it glides toward us like a ghost would,I see Dumbledore's face. The wind blows at my face and I jump a little as Hermione screams. It disappears into thin air.

"What the hell was that?" I breath.

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea. In case Snape decided to come snooping" Hermione regains her breath.

An echo of a thud reaches our end of the hallway. Hermione steps forward,"Homenum revelio" She points her wand where the once busy and happy kitchen was located. Nothing happens. "We're alone"

I turn around and do the same spell I did at the Café.


My head hurts as I wake up. My breathing rapid and heavy as Harry stands over me,he must've woken me up.

"Nightmares?" He ask as he helps me to sit up from the couch. "Not exactly" I pant. "I've been meaning to ask you about your episode" "Don't call them that" I shoot him a mean look.

"I don't really know what else to call them though" I give in. "Walk with me" he holds out his hand.

I take and hold on to it as he leads me up the stairs. "Lumos" I wave my wand to light the way. We slowly creep up the stairs to a room labeled 'Sirius'

Harry plays around with a few things as I read the letter that shows Sirius's hand writing. 'Dear Lily'. I fold it up and put it in my pocket. "I'll give it to Harry later" I think as Ron calls for us.

We walk toward his voice and he shows us a messed up and trashed room,"Lovely" Hermione comments but Ron shows us the door,"Rab" 'Regulus Achteris Black'. "Sirius's brother" I look at Harry behind me.

We sit at the table as Harry reads the note from the locket again. "Question is,did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?" Hermione looks at the locket. Bottles rattle in a cupboard nearby and we all turn our head to see what it is.

We all slowly stand up from the table and Harry nears the cupboard. He takes the door knob slowly and softly. Harry swings the door open to reveal a almost white,wrinkly creature. Harry pulls it by its clothing through the kitchen until it escapes his grasp.

"You've been spying on us,have you?" Harry yells at Kreacher.

"Kreacher has been watching" he confirms which makes me think about the locket,"Maybe he knows something about the locket"

"Like where the real locket is" Hermione looks at me and I grab the fake locket from the table where Harry left it a few moments ago.

"Have you ever seen this before?!" I question Kreacher as he cowers behind a table,"Kreacher!" I yell as he dodges my question.

"It's master Regulus' locket" he stammers as he comes out from behind the table.

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