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"but there were two, weren't there?" I swing the locket in his face,"Where's the other one?"

He pauses before he emerge more from the table,"Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is" he snaps.

"Yes,but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?" Hermione steps forward and snaps back at him. Harry takes the locket from my hands.

"You filthy Mudblood! Death eaters are coming--" Before Kreacher ends his sentence he storms to Hermione and I grab a pan and try to hit him over his head but Ron grabs the pan from my hands,"You traitor Velonté!" Kreacher yells as he covers his face.

"Answer her" Harry puts the locket in his face again. "Yes", Kreacher breaths in a raspy voice,"It was here in this house. A most evil object"

"How do you mean?", Harry questions as I stand back a little.

"Before Master Regulus died,he ordered Kreacher to destroy it,but,no matter how hard  Kreacher tried he could not do it" Kreacher backs up.

"Well,where is it now? Did someone take it?" I step forward beside Harry.

"He came in the night. He took many things including the locket."

"Who did?"

"Who was it Kreacher?" Harry asks the same question I just did.

Kreacher stammers before he tilts his head at me,"Mundungus. Mundungus Fletcher" He reveals slowly.

"Find him" Harry commands and Kreacher disappears in a puff of smoke.

For the next few hours, Hermione and I make us all something to eat and clean the place up a bit. When a few rooms seem a bit more livable,"Hermione,why don't you teach Ron a little bit of the piano?" I walk behind the two of them.

When I spend my summer with Hermione her mother taught me a few things but that's one thing I'm not good at,so I preferred drawing or working on some spells.

I walk with them to the piano and I listen as Hermione tries her best with my best friend. I sit beside Harry as I finish the drawing of a cup. It was supposed to look like The Triwizard Cup but now it just looks more pathetic. I go through the small book of drawings until Harry stops the page on my graveyard drawing.

"That's where HE came back" he looks at me. Why would I have a drawing of a grave where Harry would see Voldemort come back before it even happened. Harry takes his snitch in his hands that was fluttering in the air.

"They have flesh memories" I speak softly over Ron and Hermione's music lesson,"When Scrimgeour first gave it to you,I thought it might open at your touch. That Dumbledore had hidden something inside it", I hear the piano quiet down and the radio turning on.

Before Harry could answer me,we hear a noise from the kitchen. We rush toward the noise and as we take in the sight of Mundungus being held by Kreacher and Dobby,I can't help but laugh a little.

"Harry Potter" the high pitched but adorable voice says from the mans leg,"So long it's been"

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