Chapter 1 - the boy with a scar

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- Mizuki's POV -

(Mizuki is eleven years old)

I woke up from the calming sound of raindrops, it was raining softly. I looked at my window but didn't see any birds. Usually, there would be plenty of birds at my window every morning. I love watching them and listening to their chirping, I guess they didn't came because of the rain. I got out of bed and put my yellow dress on, it was a long sleeved dress with a brown belt. I really liked it, it was quite comfy aswell.

<time skip, after breakfast>

It had stopped raining, I decided to go outside and practice my waterbending at the fountain. Mom and dad left to buy some supplies this morning, they'll probably be back by noon. Suddenly, I saw a boy standing in front of the fountain. I had no idea what to do, I've never seen a stranger here. I quickly hid behind a pillar, hoping he wouldn't notice me. After a minute I decided to look if he was still standing next to the fountain. I turned around and saw the boy sitting down, he was crying. Why was he crying? Maybe he's lost...I want to help him, but It's pretty obvious he's from the Fire nation. But what if he actually needs help? Maybe I should-

"Hey! Who are you?!" Shouts the boy while pointing at me. He begins to walk towards my direction. He doesn't look very happy...


- Third POV -

"Uh, hi! I'm Mizuki. Why were you crying?" Replies the girl while making eye contact with the boy who was a bit taller than her. The boy's eyes widen at the Mizuki's response.

"I wasn't crying!" Protests the boy. He looks at Mizuki for a few seconds, she seems innocent. She doesn't look very dangerous either. Actually she's really pretty. The two children stare at each other for a while, not being sure what to say, it becomes an awkward silence.

"I'm Zuko" Mumbles the boy. Mizuki blinks at Zuko for a second before grabbing his hand.

"Come, follow me" She says. Zuko blushes furiously at the girl who's holding his hand. He had never held a girl's hand before. What if he was going to die? His heart was beating like crazy! Mizuki Ignored the fact that the boy was a stranger and led him to the fountain.

"Okay we're at the fountain" Beams Mizuki while letting go of Zuko's hand.

"Can you take your bandage off?" Asks Mizuki.

"What, why?" Zuko looks confused at Mizuki.

"To heal your wound, silly" Chuckles the girl as she points at Zuko's left eye. Zuko immediately starts to blush at Mizuki's bold actions.

"HEY! that's not my name!" Yells Zuko, causing Mizuki to chuckle.

"Fine, just take your bandage off Zuko" Answers Mizuki while rolling her eyes at Zuko.

"You won't be able to heal my wound" Sighs Zuko as he looks away, trying to not think of his dad. Mizuki notices that Zuko seems upset. She walks up to him and pokes his cheek.

"Hey, I might not be able to heal your wound but I can make the pain go away" Comforts Mizuki. Zuko looks at the girl with a confused expression written over his face. Why is she helping me? What's her motive?

"Uhh, thanks" Stutters Zuko as he takes his bandage off so that Mizuki can heal his wound. He watches Mizuki, who's carefully bending the water as she approaches him. She looks so beautiful...

"Zuko, please close your eye" Deadpans Mizuki while standing infront of him.

"Oh right" Zuko closes his eyes and feels how the pain slowly leaves his body. He opens his eyes and looks at Mizuki, who's standing right infront of him, smiling.

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