XII: Dvalin Protection Squad!

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"Woohoo! Dvalin Protection Squad! Assemble!"

You giggle at Paimon's cheer. Venti asks for the crystals and you and Aether pull out the crystals you obtained from the domains, you can see Venti swallow a lump down his throat, "Oh... The colour of these crystals look... muddy."

In an even lower tone, he whispers, "Dvalin... You're going through so much pain..." He stands up straighter and looks towards Aether, "Let's start purifying these crystals first. Please, Aether."

Once again, he cleanses the teardrops. You watch Jean and Diluc enticed in the process. As soon as Aether finishes, he holds it out for the others to see.

Jean is the first to comment, "It is hard to believe such a thing is possible until you've seen it with your own eyes."

"Interesting," Diluc states, "It's like filtering wine. The process is... refreshing."

"I think we should have enough tears now. So next we use the crystal on the Holy Lyre like last time."

Without another comment, Aether summons the Holy Lyre while he asks you to hold onto the crystals. He then melts the crystals into the shape of the lyre and blends them. A brighter light becomes the result of the infusion, and once the brightness dims, you are fascinated by the outcome of Aether's handiwork. The Lyre seems more exuberant, more vibrant than before. Seeing it felt like drinking water after being under the scorching heat, or sitting by the fireplace and indulging yourself in the heat after being out in the freezing cold during winter.

"It worked!" Paimon chirps.

The others seem to also reciprocate your thoughts about the Lyre, "It seems completely different from before." Jean murmurs.

Venti nods, "The lyre's Anemo power seems fully restored. We should be able to use it now." He turns towards Aether, full of gratitude, "It's all thanks to you, Aether."

The boy looks at you uneasily, but you give him a thumbs up.

Jean puts a hand on her shin, asking out loud, "Now, where should we summon Stormterror? It must be far away from the city, else there will be casualties should we fail." She looks at Diluc who stands beside her, "Perhaps... here at the winery?"

You can hear him grumble, though considering his attitude, you knew he made no mistake of trying to hide it, "If the winery was destroyed, it's not something I couldn't eventually fix, but I'd still rather not go through the hassle.

Venti shakes his head from all the suggestions, " The wind that blows at sea or in high places should be able to carry a bard's words far away. It's never going to work if the air is too dry or suffocating."

"Paimon understands. Sea or high places, right?"

Aether piques, "I think it'd be best if you played the lyre at a cliff."

You watch Diluc's eyes flicker Aether's way but he glances back to where he was staring earlier, "If you go east from Starfell Lake, there are mountains south of the beach."

Paimon turns around to you and Aether, "Oh! You mean that beach where we met Y/N?"

Diluc agrees with the suggestion, "If you head to where the cliff juts out—that place is known as Starsnach Cliff." The tavern owner faces the bard, "What do you think, bard? Meets the requirements, no?"

Venti pauses, and after thinking, he hums in approval, "Alright, let's do it there."

Jean seems to accept this, "Very well. Then let's meet at Starsnatch Cliff when we are ready. Please don't be late."

"Hee-hee! Yes, Ma'am!" Paimon salutes at Jean, who blushed furiously.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to..."

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