Chapter 2 - fire

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- Third POV -

(Mizuki just turned twelve)

 "Mimi, wake up" Mizuki slowly opens her eyes and sees her parents standing next to her bed.

"Goodmorning" Grins Yua while Mizuki yawns.

"Morning mom" Replies Mizuki as she gets out of bed. She looks to her right and notices a box on top of her drawer.

"What's that?" Asks Mizuki as she examines the small box. That box wasn't there when I went to sleep.

"It's a little present" Says Mizuki's father, Akio, while patting Mizuki's head.

"We bought you some gloves, you can use them to protect your hands while training" States Yua while Mizuki opens the box and sees a black pair of gloves inside.

"Do you like them?" Asks Akio as he watches Mizuki put the gloves on.

"I love them!" Beams Mizuki happily.

"But, uhm...why did you guys buy this for me?" Asks Mizuki. Upon hearing this, Mizuki's parents begin to chuckle.

"It's your birthday Mimi!" Exclaims Yua while hugging her daughter.

"Happy birthday" Smiles Akio as he joins the hug.


- Fire Nation soldier's POV -

"I told you, I saw someone airbending at the Western air temple yesterday"

"Are you sure? Because if you're not right there will be consequences"

"I'm sure. They where wearing air nomad clothing, It's suspicious"

"Alright then, send as many soldiers as possible"


- Third POV -

Mizuki's laying on the floor, sweating. She brushes her bangs aside as she looks up at her mother.

"Are you sure you don't wanna take break?" Chuckles Yua.

"Fine, give me like five minutes" Replies Mizuki as she dramatically spreads her arms on the floor and sighs. Mizuki was exhausted from training with her mother. After a few seconds, she sits up and starts to tie her hair. Mizuki notices how her parents are whispering about something. Mizuki's parents turn around and look at their daughter, their eyes filled with sadness and worry. Mizuki gulps nervously, what's going on?

"Mizuki, do you remember what we've told you about the Fire nation?" Says Akio as he struggles to hold his tears back. Mizuki starts to panic, something's definitly wrong!

"What's going on?" Asks Mizuki anxiously while her parents embrace her tightly.

"Listen, we want you to know that we love you. You have to leave right now, don't come back looking for us" States Yua as tears start running down her face. Suddenly, Mizuki realizes what's happening and starts to cry.

"Mom, dad. I love you both. Please don't go" Sobs Mizuki as she looks up at her parents. Yua takes off her necklace and gives it to her daughter.

"Listen Mizuki, you have-" Yua stops talking the moment she hears the sound of footsteps running through the temple. The Fire Nation soldiers have arrived. Akio grabs his glider and turns around to face the entrance while Yua takes on a defensive stance as she opens her water pouch. Mizuki looks at her parents, not wanting to leave them.

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