𝟏𝟑. into the woods

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chapter thirteen : into the woods
{ season two - episode one }

chapter thirteen : into the woods{ season two - episode one }

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KLOE LIKED THE woods. It was always peaceful and somewhere to chill out. This time, though, was a lot different. Instead of running away into the forest and resting on the ground and admiring the scenery, they were on the search for Carol's daughter, Sophia.

Daryl was in the lead and behind was Rick, Andrea, Carol, Zayn, Glenn, Kloe, Carl, Lori and Shane. They all stayed very quiet, trying their best not to make any sound at all. It felt very abnormal going through the woods with practically the whole group.

Kloe's eyes were stuck onto the ground as she synced her steps with Glenn's in front of her. They were all walking singular and not in groups, just like Rick had ordered back on the highway.

The sweat that continuously ran down the brunette's forehead got on her nerves. The temperature and humidity was raging high. It was at least September, yet it felt like summer. She didn't think she could've survived if they weren't exploring in the woods. She firmly wiped away the sweat with the back of her hand.

She realized the group slowly came to a stop and Rick signaled them to crouch down. Kloe tightened her grip on her bow as she placed her other hand on the ground so she couldn't fall. If there was anything she was bad at, it would be balancing. As a kid, she could never play freeze tag because she couldn't stand still, let alone standing on one foot.

"She could be in there," Shane suggested. Kloe still couldn't see where everybody was looking until Zayn pointed in the direction for her and there was a tent.

"Could be a whole bunch of things in there,'' Daryl noted, rising up and taking slow steps towards it with his crossbow aimed.

Rick began to follow as did everybody else, but he quickly raised a hand to stop them all from doing so. Kloe furrowed her eyebrows with confusion but didn't say anything since it was a stupid thing to get annoyed about.

Daryl raised his knife and stepped closer to the tent, Rick and Shane on his heels. Kloe watched as Daryl released his crossbow and peeked inside the little crack of the tent's entrance.

"Carol," Rick whisper-shouted. Without hesitation, the woman ran over to his side as the rest of the group began to follow. The two adults walked forward; Carol having her hand over her mouth and Rick with his hands tightened around his gun, "Call out softly. If she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear."

Carol slowly nodded her head, staring at the tent Daryl stood beside, "Sophia, sweetie, are you in there?" she called out softly as they anxiously waited for someone, a little girl, to exit the tent. "Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia. We're all here, baby. It's mommy."

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