January 11th, 2022

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My dream was made up of multiple flash events. The good portion of it I was in an airport just wandering around. When I stepped off my first plane I was immediately placed in a nice Parisian alleyway. There were shops all down the alley, the floor was cobblestone. A group of kids gathered on one end, so I joined them. I came to find out we were all doing spin art with paint, except instead of spinning it you had to use your hand to push the paint around in a plastic bag. Then, it would make a hand print. Mine was yellow, green, and blue and it turned into rubbery clay. It had kawaii Japanese flower patterns and cherry blossom prints on it. After the craft, we were told that Farrah, who had gone out in Paris the night before was mugged. Everyone was whispering around the table about it. Then, Farrah came around the corner and said she was not. She was mad that people were starting rumors, and insisted she was fine. Then, we were told we were all going to Disney world. The alleyway melted into a school hallway and we all exited the school and immediately got on a very cramped plane. It never took off.

Then, I was at a very classically expensive looking house on a nice street. I was in charge of two siblings. One of the siblings was a girl, who walked into the front yard garden (Victorian style), and started foaming from the mouth. I screamed at the younger sibling to call 911 because I couldn't find the house numbers. I walked down the street with her to find an older man in his front yard making sex jokes about us. I argued with him, and he said we were sheep. I flipped him off multiple times and he followed us, yelling, all the way back to the house. He wore a musty dark blue work shirt, with jeans and boots. He had no teeth. His skin was leathery and wrinkled, his hair was messy, grey, and falling out. One of his eyes appeared bigger than the other, as if he tries to squint too hard. The street had doors down the middle all the sudden so I locked him in.

The younger sibling never called an abil angel and I yelled at him. Then the girl said she didn't need one anymore because the foaming had stopped. I protested. The house melted into a sort of warehouse store. Suddenly I was being dressed, preparing to play the role of a background Gryffindor in Harry Potter. I had a few lines and was friends with all the main cast. I was handed two important props, and Mark Hamil from Star Wars was there. He wasn't in the movie, but was talking to a fan who was acting for a while. Movies are ranked on a point system apparently. Here was the conversation:

Kid: "Big fan, you know if you ever need help or any pointers I'd be glad. One of my movies got 250,000 points." Mark then smiled, thanked him, and walked away with a new friend.

Mark: "Does this kid know? Yeah one of my movies, they usually get in the millions, he ended the offer with thousands." He laughed.

As I was trying to exit the warehouse with rows of shopping aisles selling yellow fireworks. Alligators dressed in purple and yellow with star shaped sunglasses came in, trying to steal things. Apparently the props I was holding were worth 250 million. It was just a Gryffindor shirt and a Slytherin tie or something in a box. I tried to hide from them as the left and reentered the warehouse, but they spotted me. Then I woke up.

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