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"So then I laughed so hard, milk shot out of my nose and landed on my dad," I tell Leshawna, and we both laugh.

After talking everything out, me and Leshawna are back to being friends. We've been sharing stories and laughing in our trailer, which we've decided to gift to Leshawna's mother. It's easier than sharing the thing, and from what Leshawna's told me, she sounds like an incredible woman who deserves it.

It's been fun. Being here with Leshawna has been wonderful, and we're actually closer than before. It gives me hope that maybe one day me and Gwen can be friends again. Right now it's pretty awkward between us, but maybe with time we can get past this.

Leshawna and I both set our lawn chairs out front, and we get ready to relax in some sun.

"You really miss your dad, huh?" She asks me.

"Yeah. But after he gets better, I'm going to visit him, and we're going to make up for the time we've lost."

"Well, he sounds like a great man. Hey, maybe I can visit you in California one of these days. I've never been to the states!" She says excitingly.

"Yes! And maybe Warner can come, too, and we can go shopping! I know this great little boutique in-"

I was cut off by a loud sound coming from behind us. Leshawna and I both stare wide eyed at each other as our trailer full on explodes!

"Arr, maties!" Chris says with a weird pirate accent through the big speakers. "Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!"


"We should've known it was too good to be true! Ugh, our beautiful, beautiful trailer. Curse you, Chris!"


"Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?"

"What's under the sheet?" I ask noticing the objects in front of us

"All in good time, laddie. Who here has a hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt?" Chris asks us.

I look at Gwen as she sighs. I shyly turn my head away when she catches me staring at her.


"Ok, I admit, I miss Gwen! There, I said it. Now that Leshawna and I are friends again and we've talked everything out, I'm not as angry as before... just sad. I mean, as much as I miss her, I don't know if I can trust her. I wish that entire weekend never happened. And I wish Lindsay would've never stooped so low to make Heather happy. God, she ruined everything!"

"One thing I don't understand is, last elimination Gwen said that she felt so bad about what happened between us that she voted for herself, yet she hasn't tried to apologize. That day everything went down, she tried to play it off like it was no big deal when it definitely was. Did she do that at the elimination to make herself look good to viewers, or does she genuinely feel bad?"


"Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, maties. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure."

"If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?" Duncan asks.

"Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest! Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank!" Chris orders. And we all pull a card.

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