16: Homecoming Pt. 1

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POV: Narrator

Seth gets up and looks at the calendar.

Seth: Dance? Daaaaaanncccee? Hmm, whatever.


Seth: Err, who's texting now?

He walks over to his bed and picks up his phone, then.


Seth: Oh no.

He hears footsteps coming up the stairs and turns around.

???: Sup little bro? It's been too long!

Seth: Not long enough.

???: Aww come on, it's been like 2 weeks since I've been home. Yeah I saw mom but you didn't want to go to dinner!

Seth: Alex, you act like a kid sometimes.

Alex: Well you can learn to get sense of humor you know. If not you'll never get a girlfriend.

Seth: Thats rich to hear.

Alex: Huh?

Seth: It's nothing.

His sister looks to the wall. The day was circled with writing, Dance, on it.

Alex: Dance? Your not social enough to go to one. Even with friends. Wait, . . . HUH!! NO!!

Seth: What?

Alex: D-Don't tell me you got a girl! That's impossible!!

Seth: That hurts.

Alex: Come on, I'm still single it's not fair!!!

Seth: Not like I was trying to get a girlfriend. She asked me out in the most slice of life anime ever.

Alex: That's good, right?

Seth: I guess.

Alex: What's her name?

Seth: It's Patty.

Alex: Err.

Seth: You're always a heckler on names. Maybe that's why you're single.

Alex: You got talk all of a sudden.

Seth: Just saying. Anyways, I must have forgotten about the dance, but I left clothes out for it so it must be a thing.

Alex: So how long have you been dating?

Seth: Just this week.

Alex: Do you remember her confessing?

Seth: A little, but that's a long story.

Alex: I bet you embarrassed yourself.

Seth: Heh, yeah I did but it ended ok I guess.

He looked at what clothes were there. It was black dress pants and a white long sleeve button up. There was a also a black suit jacket.

Seth: I can tell this is Dad's.

Alex: Not like you would ever do this if you did have a girlfriend.

Seth: You're not wrong. I still didn't want to go but that main reason she even asked me out was for the dance.

Alex: You think she really likes you?

Seth: I can't tell. She's a cheerleader-

Alex: OOooh I see what you mean. So you do think she's faking.

Seth: When she, "confessed", she was talking about the dance a lot. She probably needs someone to go with. But I still can't guess why she would pick me.

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