Chapter 28

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The moment Yoongi entered the room, the first thing he heard was the sound of sobbing. He looked around the room and noticed the condition of room. His breath hitched when he saw few drops of blood on the floor, the IV was just laying on the floor and the bed was scattered and then he saw the Maknae.

Jungkook was lying on the bed as his body was shaking uncontrollably. His face was covered with his hands as his whole body was curled up. The tears were still escaping through Maknaes eyes which were wetting his hands. The sight broke Yoongi.

Taking hesitant but small steps towards Jungkook, Yoongi felt himself shaking a bit but he kept walking towards his Maknae.

"Jungkook-ah." Yoongi softly called the Maknae as he bought his hand to Jungkook's soft hair and caressed them.

"It's okay." Yoongi sighed as he kept soothing his hair to calm the Maknae who was continuously crying.

"H-He..." Jungkook tried to say something but ended up crying more as the painful words kept repeating in his mind which gave unbearable burn to his heart.

'But I love her more.'

"It's alright kid. Let your pain out. Cry it out." Yoongi slowly took a seat near Maknae as he softly put Maknae's head in his lap while softly cradling the Maknae.

"H-Hyung.. he.. H-He" Jungkook's muffled voice broke Yoongi's heart even more as he felt himself tearing up.

"It's okay, Maknae. Hyung's here. You will be fine." Yoongi kept saying soothing words to Jungkook.

"Everything's going to be alright." The words somehow calmed down the Maknae, who released soft sobs against his Hyung's lap.

The door of the room opened and Dr. Lee entered the room with Namjoon and his assistant behind him. Dr. Lee gasped when he saw the condition of the room.

"What happened here?" Dr. Lee asked before making his way towards the pair.

"J-Jungkook?" Namjoon whispered in fear when he noticed the droplets of blood on the floor.

"Yoongi-shi, what happened? Oh my God! His hand is bleeding. Nurse, check the injuries and treat them right now." The assistant immediately started doing her work as she carefully checked Jungkook's injured wrist before treating it.

"Y-Yoongi Hyung, what happened? Why Jungkook is crying? And how his wrist got injured?" Namjoon asked softly as he kept his eyes on the Maknae, who was still sobbing softly in Yoongi's lap.

"I.. I don't know, Joon. I don't know what happened and what's even happening to these poor souls. I am feeling nothing but helplessness. I can't do anything but just watch my Maknaes in pain. I don't know, Joon. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm lost." Yoongi stated with helplessness reflecting through his voice and his words.

"Hyung don't t-talk like this. If you are going to give up, then on whom I'm gonna lean on? Please Hyung... please stay strong for us." Namjoon said as he placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and squeeze it softly.

"I know I'm not in the position of saying something regarding your personal matter, but I think you guys should talk to your Maknae properly and hear his side too. Communication is the best medication for mental healing. Jungkook-shi's mental state is not really at its best. I have checked his physical reports and there is nothing serious. The sudden drop in his blood pressure caused the fainting. I have prescribed the medicines and you can take your Maknae to dorms tonight after the last test report which will come within 2 hours. But, I must say, mental healing is more important than physical healing. I'm allowing you guys to take your Maknae home because Jungkook-shi needs more time and communication with you all. I suggest you, that talk to him properly and let him open up to you guys too. If still that doesn't works, than I'll talk to Heads and then recommend you the therapist. I'm repeating myself again, please communicate with him properly because this is the only way which will help him heal." Dr. Lee patted Yoongi's shoulder before giving a tight smile to Namjoon. The assistant successfully did her job and left the room with Dr. Lee.

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