Love & War || aaron hotchner

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You needed a drink.

You had just got back to your condo after a three week long extraction mission in the middle east. It had been lethal to say the least, and you had been dying to get home to your bathtub.

It was the middle of winter, and the lack of heating made your apartment ridiculously cold. Pulling your fleece around your body tighter, you continued to flick all of your lights and your heating on blast.

You were so exhausted you couldn't even be bothered to change out of your clothes, still dressed in your tight fit green cargo trousers - gun still strapped to your thigh - and a tight black tank top and your green and brown fleece with your boots.

Knock knock.

Taking a swig of your wine, you furrowed your brows wondering who was already knocking on your door. You didn't even bother to take a look through the peephole and just opened the door with a huff.


Oh great.

You and your neighbour didn't get on, it was plain and simple. He was a man of morals, cold, stern and ridiculously irritating. He was also the most attractive man you'd ever laid eyes on, unfortunately he made your blood boil more than any man had ever. He was always banging on your door, asking you to be quiet or just plain rude and intolerant.

"What do you want hotchner?" You rolled your eyes, folding your arms over your chest as you waited for his answer.

"I thought you worked in finance?" He raised an amused brow, gesturing down to the gun strapped to your thigh.

"Well you know - gotta keep safe out here." You shrugged, brushing of his question nonchalantly.

"You know what i do, it's not like you have nothing to hide. We are obviously both in law enforcement." He laughed, mirroring you as his eyes rolled over you.

And the profiler is trying to profile you.

"Uhm let me think? Maybe, just maybe it's not your business." You scoffed, grabbing your door to slam it into his face.

His hand immediately slammed into the door, screeching it into a halt between the two of you, "Before you disappeared again for weeks, i had a parcel delivered to your apartment and it said you signed for it. Do you still have it? And then, I'll thankfully be out of your way." He asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Yeah, i have it somewhere." You grumbled, leaving the door ajar before walking into your condo and trying to find the parcel from weeks ago.

It didn't take you long, you has shoved it in your bedroom under the desk before you had left.

Walking back towards your front door, you almost stopped in your tracks seeing your arrogant neighbour nosying around your kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't invite you in." You scoffed, dropping the brown box onto the kitchen island and looking at him through your furrowed brows.

"It's very you." He avoided your scowl, nodding around your black marbled kitchen.

"Also." He added, a smirk painting on his face as he brought his hand from behind your back and your eyes widened as you saw your badge flicking through his fingers.

He let out a low whistle, letting the leather flutter open to show your identification, "CIA undercover ops and intelligence? That's why your always back and forth." He mused, giving a curt impressed nod.

"You missed the CIA elite." You pointed smugly, pushing the parcel over to his side of the island.

"I must say I'm impressed, you've managed to have a dignified conversation with me for the first time ever. And you haven't slung profanity in every other sentence." He smirked, obviously trying to push your buttons as usual.

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