Chapter 25: Lalisa Han

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Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook what's wrong?" "Why do you look so pissed?"

I look at Taehyung hyung who waited for me when I unbelievably forgot that I dropped my phone and had force to go back and face that fraudulent woman.

I couldn't believe it, just how much lies did that woman told me.

"Nothing," I said as we goes out of the elevator towards the VIP section of the parking area.

Kwon Lisa...

Lalisa Han...

So she wasn't lying at that time she said she's Lalisa Han. I thought it was a good joke because their names are alike, but it's not and she really is the nation's pride, I even went to Naver to check her interview with the president with the same dress she used on our anniversary.

Lalisa Han, what can I say.

She is everywhere not only in this country but anywhere else in the world. A rare woman who can co-rule this man dominating world.

That sometimes, I'm afraid of her because she's too influential that she can manipulate the whole country in her hand, and I'm right.

She made me believe that she's Kwon Lisa, but all this time I've been dating the richest person of this country and I even asked her hand in marriage!

"Ughhh!" I groaned, I don't know if I should be overwhelmed or be disappointed knowing now that I have a very rich fiancée.

"Really what is wrong with you?" I look at Taehyung hyung again as we all in one van going to the restaurant.

"I know right, he is so rude to Lisa.." Jimin hyung paused as if he realized something.

"Did you.. and your Lisa had a misunderstanding?"

Oh you don't know how big the problem just happened hyung, I just found out that my fiancée was actually a multi billionaire!

"No, we didn't," I said blankly looking at the street.

"Then what's wrong?" Namjoon hyung asked, I slowly look at them one by one. They look worried.

"Why..." I paused, "Why do you think people lie?" I asked them, I heard Taehyung sighed.

"Something really did happened huh?" I nod my head.

"Hmmm.. It's either that person is trying to ruin you and laugh at your down fall," Yoongi hyung paused.

"Or because they're afraid,"

"Afraid?" "Why would she be afraid of telling the truth? Isn't it better to be honest that lying?"

"She probably has a good reason for lying to you, it's really hard to lie you know," Yoongi hyung said.

"Kookie, remember when I told Chaeyoung before we really got together recently?" Jimin hyung asked, I nod.

"I lied to her after our ending scene," "I told her that we are just acting, and my feelings for her was not real,"

"What?!" "You said that to her?" Taehyung hyung asked. "Then how the hell did both of you started your relationship?"

"It's because I'm afraid that she wasn't really sure of what she feels taehyunga.." "She even gave me a false hope by saying that it was a friendship bracelet," "It's like going to a battle for eternity without a weapon and protection, it will only kill me if she realizes that she wasn't really feeling the same way,"

"And how did that parking make out in gangnam happened?" I asked.

"She got jealous over a nonsense rumor that Seulgi is getting back with me," "I was talking to Seulgi that night waiting for her, but instead I saw her trying a vodka shot challenge" "She got wasted, and persistent to drink another shot.. I got so pissed and carried her like a sack of rice" he laughed.

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