guess he can be sweet

601 44 19

Turned to his side, type breathed very heavily, to be too the point of almost unconsciousness.
Furrowing his brow he heard the lion calling for him.
Groaning, type opened his eyes to then slowly get up to place a hand to his forehead to be a bit light headed for all the action he had to endure by this man.
Taking in a very slow breathe, type then moved his very tired legs over the bed to then gulp with a semi dry throat to then try and stand just to hit the floor.
Turning his head, tharn raised an eye brow when he heard the loud noise.
He then turned fully to go investigate, to go into his bedroom to then eye the floor.
"Knew you were an old man."
Type was to his stomach to the floor to breathe very heavily, with his head to the side to eye the wall.
"You...... Are a ... Snot nosed......fucking prick! I...... Hate you!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then go to another room, leaving type to the floor, type then closed his eyes to fall asleep for a moment, to then tense to wake up, looking about and quick, he then eyed down to see he was in the bathtub, he turned his head to eye tharn.
"What are you doing?"
Tharn stood over to eye.
"Your disgusting and filthy, my little cum dump. Before you eat, you need to clean yourself."
Type slowly placed his tired arms to either side of the tub to then give tharn a hard look.
"Your an asshole! You did this to me! God, I am not a whatever you just called me!"
Tharn then went to his knees to then roll up his sleeves to then grab a piece of soap to then place to types chest to then move about to eye the action, types lips parted to then look down.
"Mm..... Yes you are type. You eventually will learn your place with me."
Type shot him a look to then place a hand wrapped to his wrist to then have him stop the action, tharn looked to type.
"Why are you doing this to me? What have I've ever done to you in the short time we've known each other for you to treat me like a piece of meat!"
Tharn then smirked to then take his hand away to then stand, type raised his head to eye the action..
"You need to hurry, I think I'm going to break your ass today."
Type looked to tharn confused to then watch him turn to leave after he threw the piece of soap away.
Type then turned his head to look forward.
I'm so fucking confused right now! Why is he doing this to me? God, he can get an actually gay person, not a straight man like me! Why in the hell is he doing this!?
Turning his head back to the side he saw tharn with a bath robe.
"Mm, I Believe you're done."
Type signed, to then get stiffly up to then stagger towards tharn to then grab at the robe to then place it on.
Tharn looked him over to then wrap a hand about his wrist to then pull him along.
Type eyed the action with a sullen face, he felt like he was nothing but a piece of meat to this guy.
Going to the grand kitchen, tharn helped type to sit, to then start to take the tops of the containers which held the food.
Type looked about to eye everything feeling very impressed.
"Wow..... Did you.... Make this?"
Tharn shrugged to then grab types plate to then start to place food upon it.
"I dabbeled in culinary a bit in my youth."
Tharn then placed the food in front of type to then go about to the other side to then dig into his own.
Type looked about the food to then slowly eye up.
Type then picked up his fork to then look back down to his very full plate to then start to move his food about.
"Why...... Are you doing all this to me?"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"You need to eat your food, all the questions that are probably popping up into your head will be dismissed. Just know you're my little bitch. Now eat."
Type took in a very deep breathe.
"I'm not your whore! I'm not your little bitch!"
Type then started to consume to then find out he couldn't stop, he was ravenous.
His eyes then widened after he ate half to then start to shift uncomfortable, he was growing hot, he then moved back a bit to part his lips to see he was very much hard under his robe.
What the hell!
Tharn then looked up with a smile, to then finish his food to then get up, to place a hand to the side of the table to then go slowly about to keep his eyes to type.
Type kept his eyes down to start to breathe very hard.
"What...... What the hell did you do!"
Tharn shrugged has he grew closer.
"Just gave you something to heighten you're stamina like mine. You should know we are so not done yet, do you even know what day it is?"
Type looked forward has tharn went behind to then place his hands to the robe to start to take away, to then place a hand to types neck to then place two fingers inside his warm mouth, to then take the other to his sash to undo, to then eye his wet dripping, very hard cock that was twitching, to then place two fingers upon his head to move them about.
Type raised his head a bit to shiver.
"You..... asshole!"
Tharn then placed his mouth to types neck to then kiss.
"You are my little bitch rather you want that title or not, mmm..... It's Friday type, you and I have nothing to do until Monday, well..... Other then use this hot little body of yours, nn.... Your fault for making me wait!"
Type then was moved and quick, to where his food was, where tharn had taken a hand to the plate to knock it off to the side, to then place a naked type to it, after he knocked the chair to the side, to then place one of types legs bend up, to then place a hand to his head to press it to the table, to then use his other hand to take out his engorged cock to then dive right in.
Type lifted his head up a bit to then flex his fingers to the top of the table to moan and heavily, has whatever he consumed took over, type couldn't help but he lost to this action to be in heighten pleasure.

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