Chapter 22

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Hi all! Before I let you continue reading the newest chapter I would very much appreciate it if you guys took the time to read my little message at the end of it. (If you don't, that's fine. No hard feelings, just your gonna miss out on some big news, really BIG news, but hey, I'm not one to judge.) Other than that, enjoy! Also, look up top for the picture of the Fire Birds!



Bringer of light, of victory, and destruction.

This element is a main advantage we would have in this fight. Usually, fire is brought from the land, catapults included. Alendar, however, Alendar makes it rain fire. As I have said before, the fire birds can only be found on Alendar. But don’t worry, we are not relying off of one source as our top offensive. The cove will be another advantage, but it is risky. If accessed during the day, the sharp rocks would be visible to sight and easily avoidable. The down point? Darien’s ships could easily see my men and then it’s all for nothing. The option to go out in the night is better because no one would see my men, but it would be difficult to maneuver the small ships through the rocks and out onto the sea.

“My Queen,” spoke the keeper, John, in charge of the birds as we came to a stop after walking along a long length of a cliff. A cliff where the firebirds blazed in the dark of night. Fear not, the cliff was not where one could see Darien’s ships; it was well out of sight of his prying eyes.

“Do they meet your requests,” asked John as we looked at the night sky ablaze by fire and screeches. I nodded my head, turning to face him.

“You have done more than what I expected, John, thank you. Will they be ready enough if we begin the assault tomorrow?”

John made a face to show he was thinking, looking down with his eyebrows furrowed before glancing back up to me with a probable look.

“To be honest, your majesty, it depends when. If you want them in the day, they will not doubt have better visibility and aim. I would suggest not to let them fly at night but for another two nights the moon will be full just as it is now, and the full moon, as you and I both know, generates their power so that they work twice as better than during the day. This is just my advice, Your Majesty. I leave the final decision to you,” he concluded, turning back to look at the birds.

To be quite honest, this is a decision that had to be carefully made. Darien may have laid low during his time as prince, but he too knew about the firebirds and what they could do. I’m not stupid. Darien is most likely suspecting that I’d let them strike at night, but wait, what if –

“What if we strike during the day and the night,” I asked, not realizing I had spoken my thoughts aloud until I saw John turn around to face me with wide eyes. No words came from his open mouth so I continued to talk.

“Walk with me,” I said, gesturing to him to follow me as I turned from the cliff to walk back to the camp. The guards who had accompanied us kept their distance as my feet moved and the ideas spilled forth.

“Darien does not know how many of the birds I have brought along with me. If we attack during the day, Darien may think that was all we could do because it would take a day if not two to fully let the birds regenerate their power . . .” I said as my voice trailed off to let John speak.

“My queen, I do not think it will be possible to carry out the assault twice in one day, even with the number of birds we have with us –“

“- that is why we split up the numbers in half,” I realized, walking faster to the camp that John had to job to keep us with me – you see, when I get I good idea, I tend to do something fast, like walk or talk, so right now, I’m walking fast, “We use half of them during the day, make it seem that we used up all we had for the day and then boom. The other half finishes the job at night. If this is carried out successfully the body count will be small for us and this fight will be over before we even know it. Oh my God, this could actually work, John!”

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