But I hate kids

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Alex POV

"Well.... I might have an idea"

"And what would that be" Peter said glaring at me, or well Venom and making a 'cut it out' gesture.

"Well a few of the Avengers have pets and kids so if I talk to them and your ok with it you could do some babysitting, you would also get payed a good amount" Mr.stark said.

"Sound good but can I have a second to talk about it with Peter" Venom motioned to Peter.

"Sure I see no problem in that" Mr. stark said grabbing and eating a slice of pizza.

"Nice come here Parker" Venom grabbed Peter and a slice of pizza and walked out the door.

Soon as we were out the door and far enough away I shoved the pizza in my mouth.

"V why did you do that!?" Peter yelled.

"Because it makes more sense"

Venom gave me control over my body back Suddenly ad I griped a little.

"Stop doiNG THAT" I yelled.

"Pussy" Venom said as her head came out of the palm of my hand.

"Why did you do that though!" I asked.

"Because if you think about it we would be working In a lab with sharp things and loud noises and possibly fire, all those things could be harmful to us and would be VERY hard to explain"

"And if Peter were to get a cut his blood could be explained our blood would try to take a host like carnage did, Peters blood and be wiped up no one would think much of it, but our blood would be bad"

"And if we're babysitting kids or pets it's a less of a possibility we could get hurt, also we can protect the kid, it's what we do! Lethal protectors remember!"

"She makes a point" Peter agreed.

"She does but the whole situation. It would be easier for them to find out who we are" 

"Yes but if we're on the inside we can see what they are trying to do, also I would get a look at the weapons. Also it would pay good! I can help May with paying and you can pay rent and motorcycle things"

"Alright you make a point, let's do it" I agreed.

Back inside we sat back down at the table.

"Alright we're in, parking lot over here will do the science part of the internship and I'll help with babysitting"

"Great, let's finish this food and I'll tell you what you'll be getting into"


"So do you kids need a ride home or something?" Mr.stark asked.

"No, our self proclaimed father and reluctant father will pick us up" Peter nodded.

".....I'm sorry what?" 

"One of them reluctantly is the father figure and the other is like a oddly protective father" I explained.

"That makes no sense but ok"

"Ya if you listen you can probably hear them coming" 

In the background you could hear music blasting as it came closer.






"Please don't hit the kids when you see them"

"Eh I'll eye ball it"

"sloW DOWN"

A car pulled up quickly and a person stepped out.

"Get in ya little shits I'm dropping Peter off then me and Alex are going to see how many kids I can throw into a lake"

"We are not going to do-"

"Shhhhhh you sexy man just sit there and look pretty"

"Why do I come with you"

"Because you make sure no one dies" I said walking up to the car.

"It's true" Peter said sliding in after me.

Everyone got in the car and I leaned forward a little so I could be visible to Mr.starks line of view.

"Bye thanks for the pizza" me and Peter waved as we drove off.

"Why are kids so weird" mr. Stark mumbled as he got into his own car with Hapoy as he drove back to the tower.


Yay more plot stuff

I also just wanted to ask this. None of the characters are to ooc (out of character) because if they are I will try to fix it. I don't want the characters to be to ooc because I know that can be annoying.

 So if they are feel free to tell me!

Also this story is at like 68.5k reads and 1.6k votes 

I also got to 160 followers

😀 dude 

I'm internally screaming right now

But like dude-     That's a lot

Thank y'all so fucking much

-insert happy noises from me-

(This is me expressing emotions) 

Thank you again!

Have a good day/night

-the author 

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