CHAPTER 1. A Messy Existence

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It felt as though there was blood, blood on her hands as she stared wide eyed at the woman who raised her, lying in a coffin.

Her guardian, Missy, had warned her time and time again she was going to die, it just never felt real to the eight year old.

Until she found her dead, in a pool of her own blood. She had held Missy, begging her to wake up, to not leave her behind, until the police came.

First her parents, then Missy, everyone died. Raven wiped her face and sniffed.

"Hey, I'm sorry," someone behind her said gently. The girl turned, frightened. He was tall and had sharp intelligent blue eyes.

"Who are you?" She demanded, holding the bottom of her dress, face red from crying.

He knelt down, and her face twisted. "I'm River, I knew Missy well, she wanted me to take care of you when she-"

"I don't want you to take care of me, I can take care of myself." Raven told him coldly.

River blinked in surprise. "Well, you're going to be staying with me for awhile,"

Raven turned and looked at Missy, new tears running down her cheeks. "Can't you see I'm saying goodbye? Leave me alone, I don't like you,"

River forced a smile. "You don't know me, but I think Missy would like it if-"

Raven turned and glared at him with puffy tired green eyes. "Don't try to manipulate me, that's disgusting."

River paused. "I'm not, trying to manipulate -"

"Fuck off," the eight year old said coldly and crossed her arms arms.

The vampire stared at the child. "Did you just swear?"

"Are you deaf?" The girl retorted and turned her back on him.

And thus began a long lasting rocky relationship between a group of vampires and a stubborn human girl.

Roughly nine years later.

"You have to go to school - Raven, open this damn door!" River shouted from outside my room. I slowly made my way over and opened it, glaring at him.

"I'm sick," I lied and blinked.

He raised an eyebrow. "No, you're not, get ready for school, you can't just skip because you don't want to go."

My fingers twitched on the door. "Really? It worked yesterday,"

River ground his teeth together. "Raven, I don't have time for this, get ready for school, now."

I closed the door in his face and groaned, rubbing my eyes. I really didn't want to go to school today. After forcing myself to get dressed I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, holding boots by their strings.

I opened a cupboard and grabbed a poptart, unwrapping the wrapper and biting into the middle of one of the sugary treats as I reached down and pulled on my boots.

The sound of jiggling keys made me glance up, and Fin, one of the five vampires I lived with, smiled. "I can give you a ride," his tone like a song. I swallowed a bite of my breakfast before taking the poptart out of my lips.

"I'm good, I'm going to walk,"

Fin frowned. "Are you sure? It's kind of cold out there..." I looked at him in disbelief.

"You're a vampire, you can't get cold," Fin scratched his cheek with a single finger.

"Yes, but I checked the weather -" Fin paused and watched me grab my coat.

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