What is wrong will always be wrong

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This chapter is dedicated to punrjani_45 for the advice on Yoongi and Riri23223 For always reading and commenting - Thank you for the support!

Taehyung POV:
So I was stuck with Yoongi hyung. I didn't like this one bit. I felt scared, scared that he may pick someone else before me again. Scared that I'm not good enough for him.

I know Jungkook is his brother but don't I come before him? I should come before him.

Once we are mates I have to become his biggest priority because his brother will have someone else who will take care of him. His own mate. More specifically Jin hyung. Someone who Yoongi hyung trusts so much.

I didn't want to talk...I didn't want to break the awkward silence because it was bothering me but not as much as how it bothered me when he treated me like I was nothing.

"Bubs don't be silent voice your thoughts". I sighed I had to do this. "First of all don't call me bubs. You lost that right hyung. I understand you were worried about kook but you forgot he had Jin hyung he also had Ken. I should have been your biggest priority."

Hyung looked taken aback with my first statement. "Bubs how can I not use your favourite nickname?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hyung I have two favourite nicknames one you gave Bubs and the other Namjoon hyung gave taebear. I think I can live without hearing yours".

Yoongi hyung looked down clearly guilty. "I didn't mean to treat you that way Tae". I glared at him as he said Tae. He put his hands up in defeat and said "Taehyung I'm sorry okay, nothing I say can justify what you went through...even after you saved kook for ten whole seconds I believed you wanted to hurt him. I saw so wrong...I'm so sorry Taehyung."

I was still upset, still mad and I didn't trust him fully. "Hyung you should have just broken our relationship why did you have to break my trust? Do you know how hard it is to fix a broken trust? Just go and ask kook. Do you think it's easy for him to just forgive jin hyung? I don't care if you're my mate I can no longer tolerate such behaviour towards me. I still have Namjoon hyung."

Yoongi hyung was crying at this point. He was slowly sobbing. "I understand you that's why I'm just hoping for your forgiveness. I know we can't go back to how it was. Joon is my mate too..but I want him to be with you. You two deserve each other".

Then hyung got up and walked out. I wanted to stop him because he had full right to be with joon hyung as I did. In fact I wanted to be with him too..but I had to make him realise how it feels. How it feels to be unwanted. I'm sorry hyung as much as it's hurting you it's hurting me too.

Yoongi POV:
I'm such a bad mate I deserve the harsh treatments from you Tae. I deserve everything but please don't leave me I need you and joon. I will never be able to do this alone. I'm sorry for everything.

I walked out of the room because I knew he was right I didn't deserve him. I wanted to have him in my arms though, I needed him. The way he talked to me made me realise what I was losing and why he was punishing me.

I wanted to run away and hide somewhere but knowing that the others weren't here to take care of Taehyung I had to stay here...or did I?

I rushed back into Taehyung's room and he looked up at me suddenly. "You're my biggest priority right now and forever I have realised that. However, right now you're mad at me and me sitting here will make you uncomfortable so I'm gonna do the second biggest thing I can. I'm gonna bring your soulmate back to you."

Taehyung looked at me and at first I thought he would be mad because I was putting someone else first before him AGAIN. He never fails to surprise me though.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now