Chapter Four

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait! I got my booster shot and stuff so...

Pastry opened her eyes to be greeted with darkness. Rolling over, she glanced at the clock. It was only one in the morning.

How did I wake up this early? she wondered, turning onto her back and staring up at the dark ceiling. Oatmeal's quiet snoring came from the bed on the other side of the room.

Pastry tried to fall asleep again but just couldn't. She sighed loudly, then looked over at Oatmeal's bed in alarm, straining her ears to sense if there was movement

All serene. She gently swung her legs over the side of the bed, curling her toes on the soft carpet. Pastry felt pretty hungry since she hadn't eaten much last night, Reverend Mother had sent her back out to go searching for cakehounds.

Pastry lit a candle in the hallway and set off towards the kitchen. As she padded quietly along, she glanced at the pictures that were engraved on the walls. The painting looked so much more different at night. Darker. More mysterious. It felt like the witches' eyes were trailing after her and she shivered involuntarily, speeding her pace up a notch.

After a few minutes of walking, Pastry reached the kitchen. She coughed as she was hit in the face with a cloud of dust as the doors swung open.

She used her candle to light up all the candles in the corners of the room, illuminating the large area. White and peach colored stuff covered the tables, glowing a dim orange under the firelight.

They didn't clean up the kitchen? Pastry wondered. She trailed her fingers across the table, causing dark marks to appear on the otherwise powdered surface. When she pulled her fingers away, they were covered with the stuff.

"Pasty Cookie," she said to herself as she wiped her hand off with a cloth. Pastry got a larger towel and started wiping off the tabletop. After she finished the table, she swept the floor. As she was trying to get a few specks of dust that were stubbornly collected between two small cracks in a shelf, her stomach gurgled loudly. Pastry had completely forgotten why she was in the kitchen in the first place. Yes. Food.

She opened the fridge, searching for anything good. A jar of cakehound eyes... leftover cakehound legs... cakehound grilled tongues... cakehound sandwiches... Pastry shut the fridge quickly. She just couldn't see the food the same as before after the tower. Especially after she saw Red Velvet.

Red Velvet...

Pastry thought of the cake monster who was locked in the dungeon. The Reverend Mother's right hand was hidden in her sleeve after she came up from the dungeons... Pastry did not know if that meant anything.

Pastry glanced at the char siu cakehound buns that were leftover from yesterday's supper. It was Pastry's favorite food, she ate at least ten of them a day. Now she couldn't even stomach a single bite without thinking of Red Velvet and how affectionate he was with his cakehound.

She flipped through the guide of the kitchen and recipes that the Mothers had made so that the cookies who were on cooking duty could find all the ingredients.

Cakehound crisps... cakehound fried rice... cakehound tart jampie... No, I need to find something with no cakehounds needed for the recipe. Cakehound prime rib, cakehound skewers, Philly Cheesecakehound, cakehound hater's pizza, cakehound meat tenderizer, roasted cakehound-in-a-blanket, cakehound eye soup, cakehound cheese crispers...

"Ah-ha!" Pastry cried out with joy. Bare Bear Sandwich! That shouldn't require any cakehounds. She glanced at the recipe. Ingredients: 2 Bare Bears- "Dangit! We don't have any Bare Bears left in stock. I should order some from The World's #1 Bare Bear Trafficking Center (Totally Not Suspicious) (Totally Not A Blackmarket) (Rated Five Stars Because We Kill Ones That Say Otherwise Or Threaten To Eat Their Families)." Pastry frowned in defeat. What was she going to eat, now?

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