Chapter 22: Bump in the Road

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"Jesus Christ," Darian exclaimed, jumping away from Zane to leave him on the table by himself. Zane, on the other hand, didn't even seemed fazed by the intruder. Darian's chest was rising and falling rapidly, breath fast and shaky.

"What's going on?" A loud voice boomed. Dirella was soon joined by Aliyah, Sylvia, and the King. The latter of which was now completely out of his trance that Dirella had cast on him.

"Darian and I were making out before you all rudely interrupted," Zane huffed, getting up off the table. Darian's face glowed red. The King seemed satisfied with the response, however then glanced from Darian to Sylvia. He then turned to face Sylvia, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Sylvia, so sorry, this must be heartbreaking," he said, eyes full of sympathy. Sylvia was stumped for a moment, before remembering she was supposed to be dating Darian.

"Ah... Well... It happens..." She said stiffly, doing her best to put on a sad expression. From Aliyah's stiffled laughter, it appeared she looked more constipated than sad.

"We don't have time for this!" Dirella huffed. She ushered everyone inside, clicking the door shut softly behind her. She then ripped the mask off, flinging it to the side. She was pissed.

The King blinked a few times, looking at Dirella as she removed her mask. Then a giant beam grew on his face.

"Dirella? It was you under the mask? Amazing!" He chortled. The rest of the group exchanged looks, unsure of what to say to the King's idiocracy. Dirella, hands on hips, glowered at him.

"I'm the only black woman at the party...." There was a tone of resentment in her voice, pointing to a greater issue she had with the King and his politics. Sylvia had not noticed until now, but New Nortia was very devoid of people of colour. She wondered when Dirella began to notice, and immediately felt guilty.

Dirella then waved her hands in the air, dismissing the issue and returning to the task at hand.

"Look Maximus, you owe me a favour if I'm not mistaken. And I'm cashing it in," Dirella declared, storming up to the somewhat shocked King, unsure of how to react to his title being completely disregarded. Everyone else in the room was also shocked. Dirella was remaining strong however, stern in her determination to succeed.

"You will refer to me by my title-" King Maximus began, his voice meek as he shrank against the force that was an irate Dirella. He was cut off mid sentence.

"You are not my King," she spat, then turned to gain composure. The room was silent, as she then turned once more.

"He's back... Ivacor is back," Dirella said, her expression now serious and flat. The name didn't ring a bell with Sylvia, and glancing at Darian he too was confused. But the name caused a visceral reaction in King Maximus and Aliyah. Aliyah bowed their head, a mournful expression on their face. King Maximus however, laughed.

"Impossible. He was defeated centuries ago," the King said, looking around the room for back up. None came, however.

"He is back, and now we must ask for your help. We are forming an alliance," it was Aliyah who spoke then, stepping forward next to Dirella. She placed a hand on their shoulder, a knowing look on their face.

The King looked back and forth from Dirella to Aliyah, disbelief in his eyes. He then squinted his eyes, rubbing them aggressively with his hands before shaking his head and standing up.

"That's enough. I've heard enough. Zane, let's go," the King said, making his way towards the door. But Dirella would not let him go, could not let him go. As the King went to turn the doorknob, it glowed purple and clicked. Unable to turn it, the King growled like a guttural animal. He spun on the balls of his feet, spinning around to face Dirella.

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