Chapter 18-Awkward meeting

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"You have an elevator into the literal house!?" Liam's eyes widened as the elevator door opened revealing the penthouse.

Kate giggled lightly ash's she walked out of the elevator and into the home. "You're sure no one's home, right?" Clint asked as he and Liam followed behind the girl.

"Yes. Relax." Kate said as she started to take off lucky's leash.

"Jeez, this is a home?" Clint said flabbergasted. his eyes scanned the area.

"Yeah. My, uh, grate, grate, grate, grate grandfather built the building." She pointed to the chandelier above them. "I tried to swing from that very chandelier and broke my arm. So, yeah, pretty impressive family all the way around." Kate walked over to another room, removing her jacket.

The shifter stayed in place, looking at the chandelier, a blank look on his face. "I feel so broke now." Liam mumbled. "The pack house looks nothing like how good this place looks." The shifters we're getting ready to move to an even better and bigger house in the next month.

Liam walked over to the room Kate and Clint were in, seeing the girl was typing a few things into the laptop.

"I'm in the wrong business." Clint muttered.

Liam looked around seeing multiple swords set up around the house. "You say Armand was killed by a sword? I'm believing it now." The shifter walked over to the girl standing beside her.

"Yeah, he was." Kate confirmed.

"See if there's anything on Kazi." Clint asked the girl.

Kate typed in the guys name, a few things came up that showed his record. "What's this company, Sloan limited? Kazi is an employee?"

"Wait, Sloan Limited, that sounds familiar." Clint commented.

Liam stepped back slightly and looked to Clint. "Doesn't seem good if you know it."

"You think there's somethin' there?" Kate asked.

Clint thought for a few seconds. "I don't know. Maybe."

A sound made Liam's head snap in the direction it came from. Liam's eyes narrowed, his pupils shrunk. "Hay Clint." The shifter started to walk towards the entrance the room. "I heard something."


The two walked out of the room, heading towards a dining room, Liam's hand rested on the gun attached to his hip.

They were about to walk into the dining room, but instantly stopped as the blade of a sword was near inches from Clint's throat. "Don't move. Stay exactly where you are." The man with the sword started to move in front of Clint.

"Hay!" Liam pulled out his I.C.E.R. and aimed it at the man. "You stay exactly where you are." The shifter realized the guy was Jack.

"Jack! Liam! no!" The girl ran over to the group, she grabbed Liam's arm with the gun and pushed it to face the ground.

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