03: Jeon

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𝗷𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗸𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸
𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻; chapter three

; I want to know her better.

It's been a week since I saw her and I still don't know what her name is. we always bump into each other around the campus but I never had the guts to do so.

"Is beau coming? what's taking him so long?" celine asked as she unpatiently wait for beau who told us a couple of minutes ago that he is near.

"Can we just go and just wait for him there? it's hot here!" jake said with his deep Australian accent but we just ended up waiting for him infront of the mini stop. He is drenched with water or whatever liquid is that.

"What happened to you?" Vince asked and handed him a handful of tissue paper, Beau is the youngest and baby in our circle.

"I bumped into someone and spilled her drink to my shirt" Beau explained while aggressively cleaning her shirt with tissue paper along with Vince who is helping him.

"Come on, let's go it's hot here.. I'll just go buy you a new shirt later" Celine said and started walking towards our secret hideout.

We ordered burgers and sundaes from mcdo for lunch, I just had my long exam earlier so here I am ready to stress eat. I don't really know if I got correct answers from what I answered.

"bro... isn't that your crush?" Jake said and pointed the girl on the other table with her friends. It's been weeks since I saw her and I can tell she's still the same, simple but elegant looking.

"wait who? the one with black straight hair?" Haruto asked as he sipped his drink.

"yeah.. why? do you know her?" Vince answered and Haruto almosy choked after hearing what Vince said and he looked at me with a confused and... angry face?

"quit staring, I may melt" I joked but he didn't laughed at it.

"You have a crush on my sister?!" he asked loudly and my eyes widened. He's her sister?! what in the-- I saw my friends laughed at us and I glared at them causing them to stop.

"your sister?! yooo, I didn't know" that's the only thing I said to him, I am expecting him now to walk out but he just laughed and that shookt everyone. Everyone looked at him with confusion in their faces.

"that's good then..." he simply said as he sat and chug his drink.

"that's good? what's good?" I asked.

"My sister has been homeschooled or more likely hospital schooled because she's mostly staying at hospital" Haruto explained and that changes the mood and then he laughed that made us shookt again.

what's wrong with this kid omg.

"do you want me to call my sister here?" Haruto asked and that widened my eyes as he got up and went towards her sister, she looked on our table and I felt my cheeks burning so I looked away to hide my face.

"bro.. chill that's only a girl, why are you so tense HAHAHAHA" Jake joke, again with his deep Australian accent.

"You fell hard bro.. the effect of Miss Parker, softened the bad boy" Celine said as he gave me tissue paper and pointed at my cheeks. I wipe it off and saw that there is a ketchup on it.

"Guys! this is my sister Aeri, Aeri this is my friends.. this is Alessander, Jake, Vince and Celine" Haruto introduced us and he even winked at me when he mentioned me, I felt my cheeks burning and Vince kept on glancing at me with a teasing face.

"Hi! uhhh nice to meeting you guys" She shyly said and smiled at us! and again with her smile! ughhh why am I even feeling this?!

I did fell for her don't I?

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