Chapter 08 - The Hollow

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The journey from the training grounds to Thyra's pillar was quite short Seraphina thought, especially since she was being dragged away by a very pissed off Hyacinth.

Gods, she was strong.

''Maybe you could loosen your grip a little.'' Seraphina asked her friend politely, but the glare Hyacinth sent her way made her shut up instantly.

Thank the gods, the blonde girl had given her the chance to pick her books, but now she kind of wished she hadn't. Juggling them in one hand while her other one was currently in the grasp of a very angry looking Earth Guardian was not a good idea.

Just as they reached the pillars, the lunch bell rang. Luckily for them, Thyra was already waiting behind her favorite one. The moment, she saw them approaching, she sighed in relief, but as soon as her eyes landed on Hyacinth, her face contorted into a frown.

''What did you do?'' her gaze then landed on Seraphina.

''I-I- I-uh- I'm not sure I know,'' the poor girl replied.

''To the hollow, now!'' Hyacinth ordered.

''W-what, but its lunchtime!'' Thyra complained.


''What's the hollow?'' Seraphina asked, suddenly looked terrified. ''Are you planning to sacrifice me to the earthly gods or something?''

''Or something.'' Thyra chuckled.

''Hyacinth, what's the hollow?'' she asked again, having known now that she will never get a straight answer from Thyra.

''You'll see.'' The blonde girl replied.

As they rounded a corner near the stairs leading up to their classes and dorms, Seraphina noticed a small wooden door with glass panes. Hyacinth pushed it open with her free hand and they all walked out.

It was a small garden like area, not too huge but just big enough for a handful of people to fit. In the middle of it was a huge sycamore tree, with the thickest trunk Seraphina had ever seen. The tiny garden was closer to the stone walls of the castle and it created the perfect illusion of a paradise.

''Oh, this is nice.'' Seraphina relaxed a little. ''Is this the hollow?''

''Come on,'' Hyacinth pulled her hand and once again dragged her. Thyra followed the pair and they went around the tree, and that's when Seraphina saw it, a huge hole at the base of the tree which could easily house at least five people.

''Ahh,'' she clicked her tongue, ''the hollow, very clever. Did you come up with the name?''

''Your niceties are not going to help, Sera,'' Hyacinth dropped her hand and walked inside the hollow. Both her and Thyra had to bend low and mind their heads when going in.

As soon as the three of them had sat down and made themselves comfortable, two pairs of eyes turned to Seraphina and glared at her.

''What did you do?'' Thyra asked her once again.

''She picked a fight with Daphne,'' Hyacinth replied instead. That surprised Thyra and she turned to the blonde girl in confusion.

''My thoughts exactly.'' Seraphina mirrored her reaction. ''I don't see what I did wrong. She was spitting lies and I had to stop her. I thought we all agreed we're not going to let her bully us anymore?''

''That's besides the point, Sera,'' Hyacinth sighed, at least her anger had simmered down, Seraphina thought as she placed a hand on her friends' arm.

''What do you mean?''

''Look, people like Daphne, they are mean, they're bullies, not because they want to-''

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