20~A pact with the devil's spawn

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AN: Here you go mes chères, one REALLY BIG CHAPY!!

Remember, I LOVE YOUUUU!!

And, be careful! Don't overdose on pirates ;)  :p


AN: Oh, don't you dare protest about this cliffy!! Admit it my darlings, it's a good one :p

Hope u enjoyed reading this chapy as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!

Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!! I wanna know what you think ^_^ BISOUUUS


Hey pirate fans,

Pirate Chains was published on Kindle in both ebook and paperback version on the 14thnd of October 2018:


Please purchase and leave a review ^_^

I'll always say this over and over, I wouldn't have made it without your support!!!

Plenty of looooove to all of you <3

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