17: Homecoming Pt.2

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POV: Narrator

Patty and Seth walk in side by side. She put the little flower on her dress. After taking another picture they walk into the gym to see everyone there.

Cameron: Took you long enough. Anyways, this is my friend Ava Long.

Ava: It's nice to meet you.

Luna: Nice to meet you too!

Seth: I was wondering if you would introduce us.

Patty: What classes do you have?

Ave: I'm afraid we wouldn't be in the same classes. I'm a sophomore.

Cole: I see. So how did you meet Cameron then?

Ave: Me and Cam ran into each other when he helped me with moving supplies for the teacher.

Seth: Cam huh.

Luna: Nice pet name Cam.

Cameron: Shut up. She has the same lunch as us you know.

Tyler: Then why didn't you invite her to sit with us?

Cameron: She has friends you know. Anyways, what is your plan Cole?

Cole: What do you mean, I plan on enjoying myself today. I didn't come just to see you all having fun.

Seth: Well what do you do at these anyways?

Tyler: I'm sure you won't like it.

Seth: Huh?

Cameron: Well we know Patty, but her friends don't know you.

Seth: Oh crap.

Cole: You're going to talk to all her friends.

Seth: This night is going to be a pain.

Patty: Hey Seth, come on!

Cameron: Looks like you're on.

Seth: Joy.

He walks over to his date. Patty waves at him as he sees a girl in a blue dress similar to Patty's.

Seth: What's up?

Patty: I know you met her already but this is Barbara!

Barbara: It's nice to meet you again.

Seth: Yeah same to you.

Patty: So where's Pj?

???: Right here.

Seth turns to see a guy with a dark navy blue suit on. He was about the same height as Seth but build bigger.

Pj: Hey Patty, is this your boyfriend?

Patty: Hehe, yup!

Pj: It's nice to meet you, I'm Patrick Johnson, but everyone calls me Pj.

He puts out his hand and Seth shakes it.

Seth: I'm Seth Walker.

Pj: Nice to meet you. Hey are you thinking about joining the basketball team?

Seth: Ah no.

Pj: Damn to bad. We can use guys a tall if you get me.

Seth: Yeah but I'm not too good at basketball.

Pj: It's alright, worth a try.

Barbara: There he goes again in his recruiting act.

Pj: There's no harm in trying now is there.

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