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aster's pov

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aster's pov

later that night

"Hi." I muted the tv as soon as i heard them come  inside.

Fezco looked stressed the fuck out. I watched as he immediately went to the laundry room and pulled out a shotgun.

"Uhhh what are you doing?" i freaked out and looked over at Ash and Faye as they sat on the couch in silence.

"Nate's dad showed up at my store, asking all kinds of questions. Seemed sus as fuck, thought he was gonna pull out a gun or somethin."

"Cal Jacobs?" my jaw dropped.

"And you think he's gonna show up here now?" I raised a brow.

"He might. I don't know what he's up to. Here." he handed me a handgun. "I want you to keep this with you at all times. Take it to school just in case Nate tries some shit."

"Babe i can't take a gun to school." i set it on the couch cushion beside me. "You know how bad that looks for a white person to have a gun on school property?" i crossed my arms.

"Well i need you to protect yourself when you're alone." he went to set the house alarm.

"Okay we'll figure something out, but i'm not keeping a gun on me."

"Yeah probably not a good idea. Aster is the type to accidentally shoot herself." Ash commented, earning glares from Fezco and I.

Then Fezco walked off to go check on his grandma. So i followed him in there.

"I checked on her ten minutes ago. She's fine don't worry." i rubbed his shoulders as he just stood over his grandma.

"I don't know what the fuck ima do." he turned to look at me. "We already got so much shit on our hands with keeping Faye here. Now that Nate kid and his dad."

I took his free hand and led him to our room.

"We're gonna be fine." i took the gun from his hand and set it down beside the bedside table.

"You take a shower and i'll keep look out." i kissed his cheek.

He always took a shower before bed, it's a part of his night routine. Maybe it will help
him calm his nerves. "Thank you." he mumbled before grabbing some clothes to wear.

I walked over to the kitchen where Ash was.

"You okay?" i questioned as he made a sandwich in silence.

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