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Yoongi already had 2 tickets to the gala ready. So that same night I'm back in the Louvre after a long nap, out of my mind with anticipation. The Painting is right behind a velvet curtain and everyone's eating hors d'oeuvres and waiting for it. Meanwhile the others should have made the switch just a little while ago.  But what if something went wrong? Or my painting is revealed, and somebody notices it's a copy?

Finally, after an announcement in French and a lot of murmuring, the curtain pulls back. The crowd goes silent. I hold my breath, waiting for somebody to yell 'Fake!'  Instead the room explodes into gasps and cheers and applause. And somehow , I already know the painting's really mine , even before Yoongi slides up behind me.

Yoongi: The others called me.

He whispers into my ear, too low for anyone to overhear.

Yoongi: We pulled it off.

Namjoon: We really did.

A strain of music starts up and Yoongi leans back with a rare smile, holding out one gloved hand out for me.

Yoongi: Would you like to dance?

Namjoon: Is it fancy dancing? I'm not sure I know how.

But I put my hands in his , and he answers just like I knew he would.

Yoongi: Just follow me.

He guides me effortlessly, and soon I'm dizzied by the conversation around us.

Lady with a Zillion diamonds: It's one of the best I've ever seen by this artist.

Her partner: Already my favourite of his! What skill!

Yoongi: Listen to that. They are talking about your art. You.

He smirks as he leads me around the room.

Yoongi: As always, I was right about you being extraordinary. You shouldn't have doubted me for a second . Or yourself.

I can't help but laugh as he twirls me, deliberately showy, my glossy black locks swaying as I spin. He lowers his voice as he draws me back to his chest . My hands find a perch there easily, right next to his Poppy shaped label pin.

Yoongi: I'm glad you never settled, before we found you. You're a good artist and you can do anything you want with that. That's lucky you know?

Namjoon: What , making it with art?

Yoongi: No. The fact that your path in life is as same as your passion. Your work makes you happy, and you have so much to look forward to. That's a rare thing.

His hands cover mine.

Yoongi: I'm glad you have it though. A person like you deserves it.

He is looking at me as intensely as always and I'm forced to blush.

Namjoon: Who are you and where is Min Yoongi?

LOVE DAIRIES //NAMJOON X BTS SMUT//Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu