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I was in maths Wednesday, and the teacher, Mrs. Rodger, tells the students to talk just not so loudly. So I'm talking in my normal voice to my best friend , then Mrs. Rodger wants to come over to my desk and ask why am I so loud. Bitch. I said to her "I'm Not Being Loud." So we just argue for a good 5 minutes until the principle, Mrs. Miller, comes in and just had to ask " What's Going On." Mrs. Rodgers wants to act all fake and shit and call me out.

"What The Fuck." I said. Mrs. Miller says " Excuse Me" I grabbed my bag and walked out the class. My best friend, Iris, followed me out and asked me where was I going and I told her outside. She still followed me though ( can't blame her). She knows when I'm very upset. I sat down on the steps outside to cool off.

I sat outside for a good 15 minutes until it started to rain.
"What the hell." I thought to myself.
I walked to my car and got in. I started it up and went home. Good thing my Maths class was at the end of the day.

That's how my maths class went today. Horrible.

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