Gator girl.

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Monty x Small! Shy reader.

(Kind of Yandere?)

Another one from my imagines, reader is female, but you can change the pronouns in your head if you want.

Art is NOT by me, I'm not that talented. I f*cking love Monty and I don't care what anyone else says.

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter!


Working at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex was much suited for you than any other job you've ever had.

You didn't have to deal with bitchy soccer moms, whiny kids, or any other jerk who decided to be an extra prick for the day.

No you did not. You worked with the animatronics instead! Their AI was far more advanced than you ever thought it would be.

When you started working here, you along with a few other coworkers were all assigned a certain animatronic to care for.

Which meant cleaning them, repairing them, and over all making sure they were in tip top shape.

You were assigned to Montgomery Gator. An eight foot tall something alligator with anger issues. Monty would get angry by the littlest things. Your manager said he was the hardest to work with.

Why did he assign the new girl to the dangerous gator with sharp claws and teeth? You had no idea. But, you got paid slightly more than your other coworkers just for caring for Monty.

Monty was a bit.. Distant at first. But he never made an attempt to hurt you at all. He wasn't much of a talker at first, when you first started to care for him, he'd just.. Watch you.

You were patient with him, you helped keep him calm, keeping his temper in check. In fact, he seemed to relax at just the sight of you.

Over time, he began to warm up to you. Making small talk as you cleaned his room for the sixth time today. You were oddly interesting to him..

How did someone so small keep the gator in check? No one knew. But you had respect for him, and you treated him well. And you didn't seem scared of him. You never got angry at him.

You were there for him whenever he lost his temper. You'd sit with him and ask him to tell you what had angered him.

Again, who decided to make a giant bipedal animatronic alligator with short fuse? You had no idea.

Your other coworkers would try and congratulate you for all your hard work, but you'd shy away from them. You were.. Painfully shy. You had been your whole life.

Talking with anyone else made you anxious, but when you spoke with Monty, you'd laugh and smile for the first time in years.

Most of them decided to just leave you alone, while others felt like you were just dedicated to the job. Having no time for small talk. They only knew your name from your name tag, but they didn't need to know anything else.

"Hey Gator Girl, Monty's paint is practically sparkling! Keep it up!"

"Woah Gator Girl, Monty's performance was amazing!"

"Gator girl, I have no idea what you're doing, but great job!"

You'd only reply with a meek wave before disappearing into Monty's dressing room. Your face would be flush from the praise, but you refused to show it.

"Spacin' out again?" Monty's voice catches your attention, snapping you out of your thoughts. You look up at him with a bashful smile.

His red eyes looking down at you, even when he sat down he was still massive compared to you. His gloved hand rest on your shoulder. "You alright?"

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