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Hi! This is my second aot story. I havent written in a while, but Im gonna push on and hopefully satisfy you guys. Its set at the begining on season 4 , hope you like it!

Mikasa POV

It's been several weeks now, Eren has left without a word. Nothing has been heard from him since, and its worrying me.

"Hey, Mikasa," I heard Hanji shout, she was at her desk facinated with all the New technology those outsiders brought with them.

"Look, its a handgun! It's like a rifle, but you don't need to reload every time, isnt that  amazing!" I kind of just nodded, too focused on the thought of Eren.

His scent, his face, his hair. I missed it all. I pulled his scarf over my nose, and I inhaled deeply.

"Mikasa, come Quick! Its a letter from Eren!" Armin shouted, he pulled me by arm and we got to Levis Office.

There sat an open letter, Levi next to it looking distraught. I rushed over and grabbed the letter on the desk. I skimmed through it, but it was enough to understand.

Eren had been captured by the enemy, and this is most likely a forced writen letter to try get us to surrender.

"That Little bastard," Levi growled, he was beyond annoyed, ready to kill anyone at any moment. I couldn't believe what I read, what was the reality of the situation.

"You two, go off to your rooms. We will talk more in the morning," Levi said, pushing us out and closing the door. I took a glance at Armin, who looked just as afraid as I was, and went off to my own room. "Try to get some rest," he said, giving me a small smile, "I'll try," I replied.

That stupid Eren, of course he got himself caught by Marley. He is so selfish sometimes, and egoistic, and mean. So why do I love him so much that it aches, just thinking of him.

I shook myself out of thought, and went off to try get sleep. I hope we can bring Eren home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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