{22.2} Powerful

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{Arlo's POV}

I'm so f*cking exhausted. Alani had me, Trev and Osirus all get on a flight to Canada for some ominous reason. He said he would explain when we get here. Well, now we're here and all gathered at some warehouse. Osirus being himself is passed out on some chair and Trev is playing with a butterfly knife. I'm just sitting here, waiting for someone to tell us what's going on.

Everyone suddenly stops what they're doing at the sound of the warehouse door opening. There is a lot of people gathered here so I stand up to get a better view at whoever is coming in. Trev stands up as well but Osirus is still passed out. I kick him in the shin, making his eyes fly open and glare at me.

This kid doesn't know how to get a good nights rest.

Osirus gets up lazily and I look back at the door.

Immediately my eyes lock with someone's. But there's no way she's here. There's no way, right? My eyes widen, I can see hers widen as well.

I know I've been working for her brothers, I've never met them and I never expected to meet them. Only higher ranking members are even allowed to speak to them. I'm just some low-level drug dealer.

"Hey, is that-" I throw my hand over Osirus' mouth. He cant blow this for me.

All I know is that if I do anything right now, I'm going to have a bullet in my brain. I think Aspen knows that as well, that's the only f*cking reason I'm not going up to her right now.

Aspen looks like she's in a trance. She's frozen staring at me while her family and the higher ranking members are walking in. I need her to stop otherwise they're going to notice something.

I wave at her slightly, trying to make her realize she needs to move. It seems to work when she looks back at one of the guys following her inside. She says something to the guy and he shakes his head, pushing her to keep moving. She has a small frown when she looks back at me, but I cant help but smile at her. I haven't seen her in so long.

"F*cking whipped." Osirus mumbles.

"Shut the f*ck up." I tell him.

"He's right." Trev chimes in. "You're gonna die bro."

I cant even say anything to that because I know he's right. When her brothers find out about me, they're going to kill me dead.

Aspen disappears from my sight and I find myself missing her already. I just want to f*cking see her. 

"Damn, I knew you liked her but I didn't know it was this bad." Osirus says mockingly. The temptation to punch him is getting more and more appealing.

"Alright everybody." Someone starts talking, getting the near 30 people in the warehouse's attention. "I'm Yarrow for those who don't know. I'm just telling you guys you're welcome to go to your rooms, dinner will come later. I know this is a strange situation, but we're thankful you could all come. We're here to protect family and take down those f*ckers Romy and Oslo!"

His words earn a few cheers but I still have no f*cking idea what's going on. I'm in charge of a drug warehouse. I'm not a fighter or anything. By the look on Osirus' face he know what's happening, but I think Trev is in the same boat I'm in. 

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