The start.

327 8 4

Warning: bad english (not main language)



What's is it that you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire—it's here.

You wake up from your bed like everyday, and you know it will be the same boring day, like always.

You hunt for food, you wash yourself you sleep and you wake up.

This has been your routine for you whole life, your parents died when you were a kid, you were happy when you had them, they always told you stories so you could go to sleep, your favorite story was the one with a tower, they told you that God had built the tower, the people that lived at the tower were strong, super strong and if u reach the end of the tower you could have anything you desire.

You were tired of this stupid routine, you wanted an adventure, you wanted to be marked at the history, you wanted people to know your name.

You grabbed the only thing that your parents gave you.

This sword, you always had this strange thought that you were connected with this sword, you leave your small hut, to find this tower

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This sword, you always had this strange thought that you were connected with this sword, you leave your small hut, to find this tower.

But you suddenly remember that you don't know where the tower entrance is at, so you just walk, walk, walk and walk more, you walked so much that it was already night and you couldn't see anything in front of you.

You take a step forward, and you feel yourself falling, you fell from a cliff, you thought u we're going to die but suddenly you start glowing and everything goes white.

You wake up in an hall made of dirt, since there's no other way you just keep walking to the end of this hall and when u reach it, you see a cage with an person and an big monster inside, and 3 persons watching, one looked like an rabbit, the other one looked like an silver dwarf, and the last one was a cute girl.

The only one who sensed you was the rabbit looking man (or thing?) and so he says:

"Welcome to the tower, chosen child" And just now  the other 2 persons sensed you.

'How strange' the rabit thought 'I can't sense this man aura, it's like i'm speaking with an plant'

The girl throw an black ball at you and you just catch it, now you start understanding what they are saying.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?! 2 IRREGULARS IN THE SAME DAY?!?!" the girl says while having a little of red in her cheeks 

'And he is also cute and... beautiful' 

While the girl was talking, the rabbit start saying:

"Child chosen by the tower, what is your wish? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire—it's here."

"If you want to climb this tower, you will have to pass this little test of mine..." He said while pointing behind him.

You see a strange looking creature swimming in what it looks like some type of water.

*imagine the creature baam fought because wattpad stupid doesn't load my image*

"To complete this test you just have to pop that black ball right there" he says while pointing at the ball.

"WAIT! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ANOTHER CHILD HEADON??"The girl says, and you find out that the rabbit name is headon.

"You don't have to worry princess Yuri, that boy... He is strong"

'That boy? Strong? i can't even see anything at him, like like he is an plant'

You, without any emotion just start walking to the cage so you can complete the task Headon gave you.

When you enter the cage, you fell a little of pressure in yourself like something is pushing you down.

While you were lost at your thoughts the creature comes swimming fast at you  and devour your whole body.


"Just wait and see princess" Headon said.

While you were at the creature throat, you used one of your moves.

"Sun breathing, clear blue sky" you do a 360 slash ripping off the monster head by the insides, and it falls off dead, surprising everyone who is watching.

You clear yourself from the blood and starts walking to the ball, and with a single, but powerful slash you cut it in half.

Your body starts glowing and you are suddenly teletransported to a strange place.

Headon POV

'Let's see what the 2 little monsters will do in this tower'

"Saw that princess? 2 monsters are now climbing the tower, and also... shouldn't you be running to get back your black march?"


Yuri runs to the exit to go to the floor of test.

"Now, now, now... what will you do? 2 monsters just entered the tower do you think you can keep up with them?"

Headon says looking to a fake wall, and behind it it's a blond girl who watched everything from the start.

Next chapter when it reaches 50 views which will take some months prob.

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