Chapter 38 Hot and Bothered on a Full Moon 3

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Just think of these chapters as setting the mood.

We were lead down a long stark corridor lit by ugly fluro strip lights. There were three doors along one side of the hallway. At the end we went threw heavy brocade curtains into a huge open area with round tables all with small flickering lights in the middle. The bar was old worldly and elegant. It was made of black or very dark brown wood and heavily carved with grapes, vines and weird symbols here and there. The shelves behind it were lit and crowded with hundreds of sparkling bottles of liquor. Three red crystal chandeliers hung low from the ceiling. There were no windows and only another was door directly opposite where we came in, it lead to God knows where. I felt liked we had walked on to the set of An Interview with a Vampire. Creepy much.

There was a small dance floor in one corner over which one of the chandeliers hung and if left a hazy glow over the couples who were moving slowly around the floor oblivious of anyone else in the room. On the other tables were couples or small groups. Mostly male werewolves from what I can see. Behind the bar was a huge woman with black hair cut short and red painted lips. She must have been 6f 2 at least. She was dressed in a tight black top and trousers, with a thick leather collar around her neck. There were a couple of other she-wolves at the tables, pouring drinks and flirting. I assumed they were there to keep the young frisky werewolves entertained.

The minute we walked into the room all eyes turned towards Paul and I. I actually saw a couple of the males sniff the air and saw the sudden glow and spark in their eyes. The atmosphere was suddenly rather terrifying. I imagined any or all of them throwing me to the floor and fucking my until all that was left of me was a puddle. Paul gripped my wrist and we went to the bar. He looked nervous as well. I can't imagine this was something he ever imagined doing under normal circumstances. The bar maid came over and smiled at us both as if she would like to take a chunk out of us as well.

"Two reds please. Could you let Charlotte know we are here please." Paul said quietly. The barmaid smiled, her red lips stretching into a sinister grin. Her eyes were glowing when she looked at Paul. I pictured her leaning over the bar a long tongue popping out between those red lips and licking his cheek just to have a little taste of him. Come to think of it I wouldn't mind doing that myself. I looked at him and he gave me a look that yelled... FOCUS. I gave him a look that said... FUCK OFF STOP READING MY MIND.

All the eyes on my back were making me tingle. I could feel the heat coming off the other werewolves and they were making me as horny as hell. My wolf was howling like a mad thing in my head. Panting, rolling and rubbing himself trying to get a little satisfaction. "Paul we really need to get things started mate. I'm starting to lose my grip on things." I was trembling.

"I can see. Your eyes have already turned red. Calm down. You are filling the bloody room with your pheromones. Your aura is sending up sparks. I can even feel it. Calm down or else your not going to be leaving this room until they've all had you."

"Hello, Paul is it?" A soft husky voice made us both jump and turn to look. Her eyes went from one to the other. "I'm Charlotte."  Paul offered his hand and she reached out a long slender hand with nails manicured to sharp points. I knew I would be begging her to run them down my back as hard as she could later in the night. Charlotte was in her early 30's, about 6 foot in her surreal black stripper shoes. She was white to the extreme, as if she had never seen the sun. Her dark red hair was short on the sides and long and curly on top, more of a boys hair cut. She wore a long plain sleeveless black shift with a deep v and slits on both sides to her hips. Her impressive large breasts hung loose. Charlotte let her body speak for itself, not needing anything elaborate to bring attention to it. I was going to enjoy her.

Paul took her hand and he introduced her to me. "This is Virgil who you will be keeping company tonight."  She gave me a sexy low growl then her beautiful brown, warm eyes examined me slowly, she smiled and then I saw her eyes spark. Charlotte felt my predicament as well, the heat I was feeling had reached out to her." I think it's going to be a very interesting night." She trembled as she spoke. "Let's go upstairs, away from preying eyes. I think you are getting all the boys way to excited." She pointed to the men all staring in our direction.

"You are giving off the most amazing scent, absolutely intoxicating." She sniffed the air around me and gave a husky grunt.  I wasn't sure what to say. I was excited as hell, the feverish heat that I had felt in the past was starting to take over my body. I never wanted a repeat of that but here I was. I didn't want to lose myself and turn into a rutting beast again. I reached for Paul. "I don't feel so great." There was pity in his eyes.

We followed her through the door at the far end of the room and went up a set of steep narrow steps.

It lead to another dimly lit corridor with a doors off to one side. We walked to the door at the far end and she let us into a huge room. It was nothing at all like I expected. Again there were no windows and the room was entirely painted white. A huge bed took up almost one wall. In the wall just above the bed were three iron wall rings. A large wooden chest at the end of the bed. The wall opposite the bed was ceiling to floor strip mirrors, the sort they have at fair grounds. They made you look short and fat or long and skin and one made you disappear altogether. That made my skin crawl and tingle at the same time.

A luxurious white L shaped leather lounge sat central on the remain wall away from the door. The most terrifying thing was the hook that hung on a long chain from the centre of the ceiling. The chain sat in a loop in the ceiling, the other end hanging down and locked into place on a iron wall ring. The room was lit with sconce lights, it was silent and cold. The floor was a stark grey polished concrete, unyielding and glowed softly from the wall lights. This was no romantic hideaway.

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