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The whole table of Ravenclaws erupts in claps. I notice the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs clapping too. The Slytherins, on the other hand, only give a few half-hearted claps. Typical.

Hopping down from the seat, I find a place next to Haisley at the table. "Kalen?" I mouth.

She jerks her head towards the Gryffindor table, where Kalen sits, a wide smile directed at me. I wave at him, my heart pounding with excitement.

Ravenclaw. I did it. Thank Merlin I wasn't put in Slytherin. Not only would I have no friends, I'd also have to deal with Riddle and his friends.

After the enormous and delicious feast, I closely follow Haisley and the other Ravenclaws to the common room. It's up a long, spiral staircase, and once at the top, the first thing I notice is a large wooden door. As we get closer, there's no doorknob on it, only a knocker in the shape of an eagle. A lanky boy squeezes to the front, presumably the Head Boy, and turns to face us all.

"The password isn't some typical word. We're not boring like the other houses." He grins. "It's a conundrum." The boy turns to the door and the eagle knocker begins to speak.

"Which came first? The phoenix, or the flame?"

"A circle has no beginning." The Head Boy replies.

The door opens, and the Ravenclaws file in. The common room is large and airy, with a dark blue carpet dotted with white stars. I was confused at first, and thought the ceiling and floor pattern just matched, but Haisley then told me the domed ceiling is a reflection. The room is wide and circular, with detailed arched windows. A few desks and chairs litter the room, and even a globe and bookshelves. Entering my dormitory, I'm pleased to know that I'll be sharing with Haisley and two other girls who Haisley says are really sweet. Plus, they're usually always in the library which means we'll hardly see them.

"Our first class tomorrow is potions, so we should sleep now. We can't afford to be late." Haisley warns me.

Already getting into bed, I grin. "Thanks." The moment the lights turn out, I feel myself succumb to sleep.

It's not long before it's morning, and I'm being shaken awake by Haisley. "Up and at 'em, Diggory! First class." It was one of those dreamless sleeps where you close your eyes for a few seconds, then you're awake.

Groaning, I bury myself deeper into the covers. Haisley scoffs. "Don't be like this."

Suddenly, my warm covers and pulled off me. Opening my eyes just a crack, I see Haisley standing there, fully dressed. The rest of the dorm is empty. I shoot up, now scared. "Where are the other girls? Are we late? Fuck!" Jumping out of bed, I grab my uniform and start changing.

Haisley blushes, turning away. "Vienna, can you not forget that you're hot, and that you were literally about to change in front of me?"

I beam at her even though she can't see me. "You think I'm hot?"


"You just boosted my ego a ton." Shrugging my new robe on, I leave the dorm, Haisley following behind me.

I'm surprised to see the common room isn't empty. As Haisley breezes past, saying good morning to the people seemingly doing homework, I walk next to her. "Aren't they late?"

"We have breakfast." She says simply. 

"You're kidding me."


"You woke me up for breakfast?"

"Brainpower!" The brunette exclaims, grinning at me.

Grumbling, my mood only lifts the moment we enter the Great Hall. It isn't crowded as last night, but there's still a fair amount of people here. The tables are lined with mounds of delicious breakfast foods, ranging from waffles and pancakes to bacon and toast.

"Holy shit." I didn't even realise I was hungry.

"Aren't you glad that I woke you up now?"

"Yes. Extremely." Instead of going to sit at the Ravenclaw table, Haisley leads me over to the Gryffindor one, where Kalen is sitting by himself.

"Hi Kalen." I greet, sitting across from him. I immediately dish myself a bowl of fruit salad.

"Morning, you two. How was your first night, Vienna?" He asks, sounding fairly formal.

"It was great. The bed was super comfortable." I reply as I stuff my face with a forkful of strawberries.

"Hey, so, I was gonna ask yesterday but didn't get the chance. Why'd you only come to Hogwarts at Fourth year?" Haisley asks, buttering a slice of toast.

A piece of fruit goes down the wrong pipe and I start choking. "U-Uh, what?" I splutter, still struggling to breathe. Haisley looks like she's about to jump over the table to help me, but something stops her. 

Someone comes up behind me and slaps me on the back, causing the fruit to dislodge. I down a whole glass of water, and once I've finished, it's like I've come back up for air. "Holy Merlin. Thank you." I thank my saviour, immediately regretting it when he sits down.

Leaning against the table and resting his elbows on it, Riddle widely spreads his legs. "Choked on fruit, hm?"

"Yeah." I reply, grudgingly, "Thanks for just inviting yourself to sit down, by the way." 

Grinning, he leans towards me and whispers something. "Why not my dick instead?" Sitting back, he swivels around on the bench to face my friends. "Good morning, wonderful Argents. How are we?"

My face turns beetroot red. How can he say that, then act like nothing happened? Haisley shoots me a look, then turns back to Riddle. "Just fine until you showed up."

Riddle laughs. It's so goddamn attractive, it's unfair. I sound like a hyena when I laugh. "Feisty this morning, hm?"

Kalen snorts. "She's just being her usual self, Riddle."

Getting up, Riddle turns back to me. "Well, I can't be around you Ravenclaws anymore. See you around, Diggory."

"Kalen is in..." Haisley's voice fades as I get lost in my own thoughts. Even the way he says my last name is hot. I've never hated someone more in my life.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now