𝟏𝟒. chick on a horse

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chapter fourteen : chick on a horse
{ season two - episode two }

chapter fourteen : chick on a horse{ season two - episode two }

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"WHAT SONG ARE you trying to play?" Zayn asked. Kloe lifted her head away from her guitar that she had been holding for around an hour. "You've been sitting here for ages."

"I'm trying to make my own song," she answered truthfully. Making a song was extremely difficult, especially when she only had a limited amount of time before she had to eat dinner and do her homework.

She was partly shocked that Zayn had appeared himself. After all, for the past two months he had locked himself in his room for most of the time.

"I'm sure you can do it one day, I believe in you," he smiled, patting his hand against his younger sister's head. "I just had a long talk with mom, and she said we'll go to the beach tomorrow if that's what you want. It's your choice, after all, it is your sixteenth birthday."

The smile that was on the younger Schmidt's face slowly drifted away into some sort of sadness, "My first birthday where dad won't be there." She blinked back the few forming tears in her eyes. Their father died a few months back at the time for an unknown cause. He worked for the U.S army and sacrificed himself in a miniature war somewhere in Europe.

Before he left, he had given Kloe a very special bow that one of his co-workers crafted. She remembered her father telling her all about his co-worker, Vickie all the time when the woman wasn't available to see them. Her whole world shattered and fell down onto her with the two words that spilled out her mother's mouth,

'He's gone'.

Kloe's head immediately snapped up to the gunshot in the far distance. She turned to the direction it came from and fear and worry settled in the pit of her stomach. She waited patiently for another shot to ring out, to be sure that maybe they had been surrounded by some walkers. But even then, Carl was with them, and knowing a child was out there made the pit in her stomach bigger.

"What was that?" the elder Schmidt asked, his eyes set in the same direction his sister's were. She noticed the whole group was looking in the exact direction, meaning it wasn't just her imagining it. "Why was there a gunshot?"

"Must be from Rick or Shane," Daryl grunted like usual. There was something Kloe noticed about Daryl ever since she first met him back in Atlanta camp is that he would consistently grunt. Not that she had anything against it, of course, "Nothing to worry about."

Lori had a wary look on her face. She knew what she was thinking. Why would they waste - risk - a single gunshot on something they could've used their melee weapon? But everyone else ignored it and continued to walk.


Every two minutes, Lori would turn around with paranoia. Who could blame her, though? Her son and husband were out there; anything could've happened.

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