Chapter 4

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Dear diary....

It's me again, sorry for not writing earlier. A lot of things have happened in the span of 5 days.
Well, on the first day, I got hit by a blast. But I didn't die, thank God for that. I don't know what the blast was about but everything in my life changed since that day.  One, I can't see. I mean I CAN see, but I can't see. You get?

I can only see living things and they come in different colours. I hope and pray I'll get my sight back. I told Roland to help me with this book so I don't even know if I'm writing this properly.

I feel like no one understands me, no matter how I try to tell everyone how this "change" has affected me, they shut me up with words of encouragement that I've heard so many times. And I swear if I hear them one more time, I will freak out.

I was out for 4 days so I can't tell you what happened when I was unconscious but I had a weird dream and it hasn't left my mind ever since.

Today's the 5th day and I am exhausted of seeing things like this. What if Micheal Jordan drops a new Instagram post? How will I see what he looks like when I can't find my phone?? I just realised something, I'm not only blind blind, I'm also socially blind!! That's the worst kind of blind there is!!!!! I'm so doomed. I need to get my sight back, and  fast.
All these writing is making me hungry. I need to eat, so.... I'll scribble something later when I have things to scribble about.

"Roland! Rollaaannnd!" I hollered for my brother.

"What do you want? I'm right here ok? Stop screaming!" He responded with sass in his voice.
When I get my sight back I will beat him so hard, he'll need life support. The nerve of this kid.

"Help me keep my diary. Don't read it!!"
I already know he's going to read it, he's a disobedient kid. But I had to tell him for good measure. Ever since I lost my sight partly, my siblings have been coming in and out to take my clothes, saying I won't know what I look like when I wear them so they'll take it.  The nerve!!!

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I won't read it. I mean I tried to, but my 9 year old brain and your big words do not correlate so... I'll just find something else to steal. But since you're watching me, it'll just be taking them. I'm not stealing."

I raised my stick to beat him with it when my mum called us downstairs.

"Roland, bring your sister downstairs, fast!" We heard my mum shout from the parlour.

"If you dare make me fall, I will never forgive you." I threatened him but all he did was to stick his green tongue at me.
After hitting my head and feet on different places I couldn't see, Roland finally brought me to the living room.

"Ada, are you hungry?"

"No mama, thank you ma."

"Ada, hear what they are saying on the news"
I faced the TV, and I couldn't see anything so I stayed and listened.

While we were bringing some victims in, we discovered some of them have strange abilities that are beyond the human explanation. So we built a facility to host the people with abilities like these. We are positive we will find more people with abilities like this or even more, so we have to be prepared for anything.
The facility was built to hold 5000 people seeing how far the blast went, we had to create enough space for the people affected by the blast.
The facility is divided into 4 wings according to the age groups of the people affected. As you can see by this area, this is where the magic happens.

"They talk like they haven't done enough magic yet. Stupid people" My mum muttered from where she sat.

Another space had been provided as dormitories for the people as they will be staying and be taken care of by the government until they have become fully cured. We apologize for the situation our company caused and we are taking full responsibility by building this facility and helping the victims.

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