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Matthew POV

Tapping on my foot as I pressed the doorbell on her house. It's only yesterday that I was released from the hospital.

God knows I want to get out there and want to meet my daughter. Finally the day comes to life. I can finally see her.

Then her door opened revealing Margaret in her casual attire. She looked flustered for a moment and looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked me.

"I obviously came to see my daughter!" I said since it was plain obvious why.

"I told you we are going to talk about the time but not this early. My goodness Mr Rogers she's not even awake yet!" She said while leaning on her door frame.

"Then I will wait for her to wake up!" I said as I step my foot forward.

"Nah nah.. you can't! I told you we can meet in the afternoon. Maybe in some cafe!" She said and it makes me feel mad.

"As if I do that. We are not meeting like we are not family. The three of us are family, no need for us to set time and place. I can come anytime I want!" I said to her,

"No you can't! !"

"And why would I? You know very well that it's true! I am her father, I don't need to book time to see her!"

"Urgg why are you so hard headed? I told you many times that I respect that. I even agreed to meet her!"

Just then a voice from behind her startled us and gained our attention.

"Mommy, who are you talking to?" A soft voice that I can assume just woke up since she continues it with a yawn.

Then she emerged herself in front of me. I swear my heart skipped and stopped to beat for a moment back there. She looked at me with a little cute frown on her face.

"I hmmm… !" Margaret stuttered as she thought of a right excuse.

"Hi!" She said as she stepped besides her mother who looked panicked. She waved at me with a smile on her face.

My goodness I didn't have to do a paternity test since it's obvious how she is to me. The only genes she got from her mom is her hair. Other than that she's a perfectly carbon copy of mysey. I won't doubt it.

" Oh hi there beautiful!" I said to her as I smiled at her. I looked at the bunches of paper bags and I didn't hesitate to extend it forward for her.

"This is yours!" I said as I smiley at her.

"Thank you! Look mommy. Your friend gave me a gift? And it's so many!" She beamed as she looked at her mother who's still not yet recovered from the shock.

Just like a Clue, Margaret turned to me with a glare. Then turned her attention to our daughter who is now busy rummaging what's inside the paper bag.

"Oh.. by the way I am Sofia. Mommy didn't introduce me to you. Silly mommy! She can be very absent minded sometimes. I don't blame her, she works non stop!" She pouted as she kept rumbling about how her mom worked non stop. And I have a mental note to change it since I don't want her to work too much now. They already have me. My money can sustain their needs and wants more than they wanted.

"That's ok baby. Oh you have a very beautiful name and you are also very beautiful!" I said, making her giggle. God it turns my world upside down.

"Wow! Mom heard that. Heheheheh… this handsome guy called me beautiful. Oh my classmates often teased me that I don't look like my mom. She's too beautiful to be my mother, that's what they said!" She said and my heart squished.

"Little girl I told you many times you are beautiful and that you are my daughter. We look exactly alike, ok?" Margaret said and I shook my head.

"Nah… she's more like her father!" I said in mumble. I thought she never heard me but she glared at me.

"Oh get inside by the way what's your name?" She said as I once settled in their living room.

"My name is Matthew!" I said as I extended my hands to reach her. I am not disappointed as she held my hands. And stared at me.

"Oh your eyes are the same like mine? And your dimples too!" She said as she observed me.

"Sofia can you sit properly please. I have something to tell you!" Margaret said and I know what she wants to say. My heart pounds non stop. I just hope she will accept me as her father.

"I know I didn't tell you about your father's existing baby girl but look at you right this guy in front of you who has the same eyes and dimples is your father!" Margaret said and I smiled at her.

"Huh? Hi, my father! As in father?" She said she couldn't believe what she heard. I was taken aback as she lunged at me unceremoniously.

"Can I call you daddy?" She said as she gazed her eyes on me.

"Of course you can call me anything you want. I am your father after all!"

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you! Though I didn't say it out loud to mommy. But I really wanted a daddy for so long!" She said and I swear my heart squeezes painfully.

"I am here now. And I intend to stay with you forever. I love you more than anything. I will be here for you for the rest of your life!" I said to her and she beamed at me.

"Mommy I have a daddy. He looks so handsome like me! Oh your face is kind of familiar. I saw you on television… right right!" She said as she nodded her chin like she remembered something.

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