21. Wedding bells and Farewells

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✦❘༻ Wedding bells and Farewells༺❘✦

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✦❘༻ Wedding bells and Farewells༺❘✦


And there's no remedy
for memory, your face
is like a melody, it won't
leave my head


This part contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

"Did you really make a deal with a demon or something? All I see is hot men around you. First the hot guy who showed up at our college and now some hot guy you are marrying," Aera chuckles and scoops up ice cream in her spoon. "I was only joking when I asked you to make a deal with a demon," she puts the spoon in her mouth.

"Guy who showed up at our college? Don't tell me you've been drinking in the morning these days," Faina frowns.

"Ooooh, acting like your ex is non existent already? I like that," Aera winks. Faina rolls her eyes and leans back. "Jungkook is the first person I loved and will ever love. Who the fuck is that college guy?"

"Alright, alright. I'll pretend he never existed. Jeez, what did he do for you to even forget about his existence," Aera munches on the wafer on the ice cream.

"Weirdo," Faina scoops some ice cream and eats it.

As they were walking on the streets, Aera tugs at Faina's sleeve and points at lingerie behind the glass. "For the honeymoon," Aera wiggles her brows as she smiles mischievously. Faina looks in the direction and comes across a black lingerie with harness and choker. "Oh damn, don't you think that will shock him to death? Is that lingerie even legal. That looks so slutty," Faina looks at Aera and bites her bottom lip.

"Men are always in the bedroom. You won't know anything until you experiment," Aera is already dragging her in. Faina's jaw drops as they go in.

"Oh this is a lingerie heaven," Aera chuckles.

"Get some beauty sleep bride. See you on the wedding day," Aera throws her a salute and walks into her home. Faina smiles as she shakes her head and turns towards the road.

"Hey mom," she says after she gets home. One of the maids took the bags from her hands. "I'm hungry, can you make something for me?" She asks the maid.

"Mrs. Lee went to attend a dinner at Jeon's mansion, madam. Would you like early dinner madam?" The chief maid asks. "Dinner at Jeon's? I'm surprised she didn't take me," Faina shrugs. "Yeah, early dinner sounds good," she says. 

She goes upstairs to her room and washes up. She comes down to have a warm dinner and goes back to her room. She takes out the lingerie sets she bought and tries them on for the second time. She wears the black one she saw on the display and falls in love with herself. "Damn, I look so fucking hot. Jungkook is in for some good shit," she giggles. She takes her phone and calls him.

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