13." Yeah...I've been taught...."

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Shoko PoV

So this is what you meant, huh....

I was currently in my room, browsing through the internet. I had quickly searched up what " Dr Jekyyl and Mr. Hyde" was and I immediately got the result.

Basically a sort of split personality disorder but amplified like hell.

Hai hai.

Are you trying to tell me that Kushida has  split personality disorder?


No? Then....that only means...

Is Kushida...faking a persona? Putting on a facade?


I see.

But that doesn't fully explain what Ayanokoji had meant when he said that she was " persistent". I wonder what he meant by that.

I sighed,

" At the very least, now I know for sure that I can't fully trust her...." I muttered.

Putting on a different persona, huh.

Kushida woud've been a great actress. Could it be that she's using this persona to create friends? Is that what Ayanokoji meant by " persistent" ?

No. That wouldn't be it.

Maybe relevant.....but not the whole truth.

Hah, I don't even know Kushida. ( nor do I intend to) so why am I here wondering about the truth?

It will prove beneficial to you.

Beneficial, How?

What is the benefit of being popular? Think about that.

Biggest benefit of being popular...?

I had never wondered about that before. I was never a popular person nor did I ever want to be, so I was fine just staying in the background.

Having people surrounding me everyday would be so tiring and I'd probably wish to back to the past and slap my past self for the one decision that led to my What if popularity.

But there was always one benefit that stood out among all other privileges.

A huge social network?


So a huge social network?

Is that what she was after?

No. But it is important to her.

But for now, please worry about this later.

Easier said than done.

Anyway, it's almost time.


But show me the memes, first.


We spent the remaining time browsing different memes in the internet.

Why Can't You Get Out of My Head, Ayanokoji?!Where stories live. Discover now