Father Rowan < Best Nap>

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This is going to be a bunch of fluff with Rowan and Aelins daughter. Who is going to be a massive daddies girl. You are almost his copy the only diference is that you are his daughter and most of the time the Cadre call you for twins. Also in this you are about 19 ish ( Human equivilent? I cant remember if they develope slower or just seemingly stop aging at a certain point) Also no Cadre died, I wont allow it.! Long chapter ahead

You are the first and only daughter of Rowan and Aelin. The only child in fact, but you were beloved by all that ever met you. But what might have been the most peculier thing was that you didn't have your mothers eyes. Well not completely anyway, instead of the blue ringed with gold. You had bright green eyes that were lined with a mix of blue and gold. ( the blue was bordering the outside ring of your eyes and the gold ringed the center) Other than that you looked like your father to a tee. Aedion made sure that Aelin never could forget it. And it only proved more true as you got older. Your hair was as bright a white as fresh fallen snow.

You had a ' Forever Fae Form' type build as commonly said by Aedion. You were the almost same height as Rowan just a little shorter, same hair, you had a much slimmer buil but your mother had often had said that you had the same velvet wrapped steel feel. She knew that she had made a little mini Rowan when she first saw you. All but your eyes, you shared with your father. You even had his attitude and steady calm, most of the time. How ever you were heavily spoiled by everyone that you know so you had a bit of your mothers tendencies of having way to many extravagent dresses and shoes and jewlery.

And also many Bows were gifted to you by the wolf twins who had claimed you as their precious little pup thought it would be an amazing idea to give a 3 year old her first Bow and get her started on learning how to arm and fight for herself and others. These all her father said that she was not ready for just yet but reasurred the twin that if you were anything like the people around you there was nothing any of them could do and or say that would be able to do to stop you from learning how to do that. They all laughed and agreed. Even Manon and the thirteen loved and adored you, bringing you on many rides just to hear your little giggles and to see your snowy hair blow softly in the wind. They didn't take you on fast rides then because you were still really small and they didn't dare hurt you in even the slightest.

Now that you were older, you mostly stuck by your fathers hip. You knew that at some time in the future you were going to have to be a queen, so you spent a lot of time listening and learning how to rule a kingdom. However. you knew that you had pleanty of time to learn how to do so. So you spent a lot more time learning how to lead armies. How to rattle the stars and bring them to their knees. If the world was not ready for your parents rath, Gods forbid they ever need to see yours. You had spent major parts of your childhood learning how to rule kingdoms and armies, you had been trained by the most bad ass people in the world and you had the combined power of your parents. You had very powerfull magic in fire ice and wind, while having small way lesser powerfull magic in healing and shielding. You found ways to fly, levitate, and send messages on the wind using well the wind. You could say something that no others could hear, but the person or peoples you were sending it to over the wind. The farther the distance the longer and more force it took. You had almost a never ending power conserve like your mother but you tried not to use to much of it at one time.

However over your years you had been building up the reserve and you now knew how to use it for as long as you would ever need while only suffering from a small headache after it. It took many years and a mass amount of self restraint but you could do it. You were nearly as gifted as your mother with the fire but it was harder for you to control and you found it much easier to give in to it and suffer a burnout. You had a much better handle on the gifts given by your father, but that was only because you mainly trained with your father. Training in fire with your mother after you had rested and when she thought you were ready. She was right in waiting to train you in it. You would have not been able to handle it after training so long in the colder side of your magic.

You had only been traing with her on it for about a year or two now. You loved showing what you could do with what you learned from your father as you tried to only use the fire for fighting or light when you were reading. You also loved reading and in your room, which as massive, had an entire wall floor to ceiling bookself with all of the books that your father had gifted you. Today was different, you woke up with the sun as you do everyday, and got ready. You put on your usual outfit, ( as seen below or change it if you want to I dont really mind😁)

 You put on your usual outfit, ( as seen below or change it if you want to I dont really mind😁)

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And Then you were off to find your father. Whispering on the wind asking him where he is, he told you that he was in the library. Today you all had nothing to do, which there were not many of those days so while your mother sometimes used these days to catch up on some sleep you and your father went into the library and read your favourite books with each other. When Aelin wasn't sleeping she would join you in the reading, but recently she had been running around all the time so you told her that she needed to take today to rest. She wanted to read with you both but she listened to you so she went to go and lay down.

You skipped into the room and you saw your dad sitting in one of the small two person couch with your book beside him, while he was reading his own already. He heard you come in and smiled at his beautiful daughter. When you sat down and picked up your book and Rowan pulled you into his lap and started reading his book. you smiled and leaned into his chest and started to read your book. You always felt the safest like this, it was also really comfortable. It was quiet, and peaceful. It was perfect, and there was no other way you would rather spend your day.

You saw your dog pat her way into the library. Tracker didn't jump up on the couch unless she was told taht she was aloud to so she usually laid by your feet. She was gifted to you by Gavriel, he broiught her from Doranelle when you were about 6. She was some sort of fae dog, he gave her to you becasue you were devastated when Fleetfoot passed so he got you a puppy that will age with you. When he got her you two were almost the same age you just being a little older than Tracker. He brought you the fae pup so that since you were almost garenteed to live over many dogs lifetimes he didn't want you to keep going through heartbreak. You two didn everythiung together and if you were ever needed to be found they would just call for Tracker and she would find you in seconds, thats how she got her name, she was your tracker. Today you told her that she was could jump up on the couch wit you two.

She snuggled up wit you and your father and laid her head on his leg. After about 5 hours of just laying there and reading you all had fallen asleep. Aelin went there to check up on you three and when she saw the cutest sight of Rowan and you cuddled close with Tracker close by her heart melted. She softly closed the door behind her as she went back to her room, she knew that you all needed your sleep.

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