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"River gave us clear fucking instructions, Miller!" Phoenix yells at me and I roll my eyes.

The two of us have gone the completely wrong way, only because Phoenix chose not to listen, so I had to listen to everything River had said. However now, we've made it to the tunnel she was talking about, so we shouldn't be far from the abandoned pool.

"Nix, shut the fuck up before I bash your head into the wall." I grit my teeth, growing frustrated. "Maybe you should have opened your ears as well, then we might not be getting lost and be walking around for two fucking hours!" I have to stop walking and inhale a deep breath.

All I want to do is be back home, snuggled with Callie. But what are we doing? Running around like headless chickens!

"I swear to fuck, Mi—"

Nix is cut off by the sound of an explosion not far from us. The walls vibrate on either side of me, and I cough as dirt and rubble begin to fall above us. Another explosion has my whole body tensing and all I can think about is Callie and Ev, along with the others. I follow the sound of yelling and as soon as I hear the sound of River calling out for Callie my feet begin to move faster.

I enter the abandoned swimming area but come to an abrupt stop when I see the sight in front of me. Fire and smoke fill the room and as I look up at the ceiling, it looks as if it's about to collapse at any minute.

"Callie!" My head turns at the sound of River's voice, and it's as if everything happens in slow motion. I watch my girl fall back into the pool and panic settles in as I watch River collapse, banging her head onto fallen rubble.

"Shit." I run and shrug my suit jacket off at the same time, getting ready to jump in to save Callie but the clicking of multiple guns behind me has me pausing any movement.

"Move and I promise you I'll blow your fucking head off." The sound of Penelope's voice has me clenching my jaw.

Twenty seconds Callie has been under, and I can see she's tangled in her dress, she can't swim up.

I ignore Penelope and continue my way to the pool, but I'm brought down to my knees when I'm shot in the back.

"Last fucking warning." I turn my head slightly to see Penelope standing with a bunch of men, all holding guns in our direction. I look at Phoenix to see a panicked look on his face as he stares at the pool, ignoring the gun being buried into his back.

Forty seconds.

I turn back around and my eyes slowly close when I see Everest and Luca, who both lay unconscious next to each other. The creaking of the ceiling above us makes my heart race because I know in the next five minutes it's going to collapse.

"If she weren't such a bitch, maybe I would've let her live. But what did I say? She's bad for business."

One minute.

Suddenly multiple gunshots sound through the room and by the sound of Penelope's voice I know it's not her men who are shooting. One by one, bodies drop to the ground and as I look up I see Killian and Enzo standing across the room with guns in their hands.

"We need to get the fuck out of here!" Killian shouts going to pick up Everest and Enzo goes to get River. I turn my head to see that Penelope has made a runner.

I stand up on shaky legs and rush the short distance left to the pool.

"Callie," I mumble and jump into the pool, swimming down to the bottom. As I go to lift her body, I'm pulled back by someone.

I'm dragged back up to the surface and punched in the face. I inhale a deep breath to see it's one of Penelope's men that hadn't been shot by either Killian or Enzo.

"Get the fuck off me!" I grunt and don't hesitate to grab his neck and snap it.

Anything or anyone holding me back from saving my girl will get killed because as of right now I have everything to lose.

I swim back down, my eyes squinting against the water, but my heart stops when I don't see her body. I look around everywhere, but she's not there.

She's gone.

I break the surface of the water, gasping for air. I climb out of the pool and search the pool again, but I can't see her. I can't see my girl!

"Where the fuck is she?!" I yell, running my hands through my hair. "Where is she?" I bite my trembling lip, and it takes me a second to realise someone's taken her.

She can't just disappear like that.

"Miller, we need to go," Enzo speaks up and I shake my head.

"Not without Callie." I cough as the smoke around us gets worse.

"Look, I've got the others out, if we don't leave now this roof is gonna fall on the both of us. Callie isn't here!" Enzo grabs my shoulders and tries to shake some sense into me. "We need to go."

I stare at him dumbfounded and let him drag me out of the building. I take one last glance at the pool.

She's not there.

"I need to go back!" I cry out.

"We can't go back."

When we step outside, I drop to my knees, my hands shaking as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Mill, where is Cal?" I look up at Phoenix with tears in my eyes.

He stumbles back, his mouth falling in shock.

"No." He whispers, his eyes alternating between me and the building.

The building collapses behind us.



My eyes slowly open, but they quickly close when they begin to sting from the bright white light. The sound of beeping has me wincing.

Why is it so fucking loud?

"Don't move too much, you've had a bang to the head." The sound of Miller's drained voice has me turning my head to see him sitting topless with a white bandage wrapped around his waist.

"Shit man, what happened to you?" I groan, squinting my eyes.

"She's gone." My face drops at his sudden words and it's like a knife has been stabbed into my chest.

She's gone?

Who's gone?

He gives me a look filled with sorrow, and my lip starts to tremble, and my eyes start to water. My head falls back against the pillow and I look up at the ceiling, tears falling down my cheeks.

This is my fault!

"I-I should have protected her, she was in my care! I should have protected her!" I whimper and sit up from the bed, standing up, my head spinning. "No, no, no!" Miller stands and looks at me with tears also in his eyes.

"It's not your fault, Ev." He pulls me into a hug and I can't help but sob.

My sunshine is gone.

"I tried to get to her, but someone attacked me and when I went back to get her she was gone." I freeze and sniffle.

"What?" I pull away from him and look into his brown eyes with furrowed eyebrows.

"I think someone has taken her."

Yes 💙

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