Chapter 20: The Intervention

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The next week passed by swiftly. Harrison absorbing everything Tom taught him. Only taking breaks to eat and sleep. Severus and Harrison opted to skip the Malfoy Christmas dinner spending Christmas and New Years strictly just the three of them.

Severus sat in his room grading papers as Tom walked in.

"Harrison has exceeded the expectations we set." Tom  stated walking sitting beside him as Snape lowered the papers looking at Tom.

Snape nodded. "That he has. And very quickly. I just worry about the emotional damage caused by the Malfoys. He trusted them...." Snape sighed. "I should have expected this." He stated.

"There's no way you could have expected this Severus so cast that thought out of your mind or I will." Tom stated tilting Severus chin up. "You've done amazing with Harrison, just as expected."

Severus gave a light smile. "Alright alright"


Harrison currently stood in Severus potions room making more of the emotional numbing potion.

He had to take it once every other day and he planned on continuing taking it for the future, he found that it helped him focus having finally caught up on things.

However Severus had been right that it was hard to make, but thanks to his determination he was able to make it. Harrison poured the potion into mini vials taking them to his room sliding them into a safety compartment in his trunk.

Harry closed his trunk hearing the familiar apparition pop.

"What the HELL is going on?" Blaise asked walking over.

"You weren't at Christmas dinner and some chick was there...with Draco." He stated

Harrison turned around "I got busy. I'm trying to survive remember? I had a lot more things to learn here and now I'm packing up to go back to Hogwarts." Harry stated.

Blaise looked him up and down.

"Something's off Harrison....Will you tell me on the train ride there?" Blaise asked.

"I'm actually going to be going to Hogwarts with Sev... The train is unnecessary." Harry stated.

Blaise walked over feeling his forehead. "But we ALWAYS ride the train. We get to sit in our compartment, eat sweets and then of course trash talk before you and Draco lightly flirt. Altho now I'm sure it'll be making out." Blaise stated with a smile that faltered as Harry shrugged not feeling the usual butterflies once he would hear Draco's name.

"Like I said. It's unnecessary and long. I have books I can read when I get to the common room plus it'll be quiet." Harry stated.

Blaise was silent watching Harry pack things.

"You realize I just said Draco was with some girl right?" Blaise asked.

Harry nodded.

"I'm aware but him and I are at different places in life right now. I'd rather not talk about this anymore." Harrison stated emotionless.

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