A New Life II

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Lumière was never alone since waking up as her avatar.

If Jack was not with her, then she was attended to by three maids. Never the same three maids—Nazarick had forty-two Homunculus Maids that were created by Whitebrim, Herohero, and Coup De Grâce—each morning they would bring her breakfast. While she ate, the three maids would work together to carefully brush Lumière's long hair.

The only time the maids would leave her was if Jack was there to attend to her in their place.

It was a huge contrast to what she was used to.

In her previous life, she was consistently alone. She had siblings and parents, but it had been years since she even talked to them. She was born with a weak body and had regular trips to the hospital.

Her parents were politicians. Her tragedy made for a good sob story and boosted their ratings. They spared no expense for her treatments, indeed, she was their darling poster child to win over sympathetic voters.

But that's all she was to them.

When her condition got worse, she lost her immune system and had to be placed in a bubble.

She wasn't able to have direct skin contact with anyone else since she was eight years old.

At first they made the effort to put on the suits and hold her hand.

At first...

Then they got busy and she never saw them again.

They paid for her isolated bubble. They paid for the doctors to check up on her and refresh her medicine. They paid for her to live. They paid to sell her story.

The only company she kept were those she met online.

She had longed for social interaction and human contact. That was why she had joined YGGDRASIL in the first place—to find people she could chat with. It could be overwhelming at times; there were days when she muted herself because she couldn't find the energy to speak, but it was so very worth it.

She only wished it was more physical. She wished... she wished she could reach through the screen and touch her friends. Have them touch her. Hug them. Hold hands with them.


Anything to make her not feel so very alone in that tiny little room she was confined to.

Now not only did she have constant company, but she was able to touch someone—and have them want to touch her.

She loved holding Cheshire in her arms. She loved feeling his soft fur, and hearing him purr.

It was such a marvelous sensation. Such a simple pleasure that she never had a chance to partake in previously.

Jack was nearly always at her side as well since coming to that world. When the maids attended to her, Jack would hover in the back like a shadow, ready to assist in any way.

At first, Lumière had been nervous about his yandere tag, but he was only ever kind to her.

She had worried he would be aggressive, instead, he was very gentle. He never tried to grab her like some yanderes would in the games she played. The more time she spent around him, the more comfortable she felt around him.

A week into the new world—new life—the angel started to have thoughts.


That maybe, just maybe, she could have contact outside of someone brushing her hair or holding her kitty.

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