Confused girl's parade

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      Real or not real?, Monster or...?, What was the plan? , Why did it remember her birthday before her? , What was its problem?, Why did it choose Vera Hunterson?

     Questions flew around in Vera's pounding head as she went back up the stairs to her room; her eyebrows were squished together forming a single line. She found herself losing her focus to the unanswered questions that ravaged her brain and so it didn't come as a surprise to her that she tripped In the last step.

    Time seemed to slow down as she fell forward, trying to get her hands to move but finding her limbs unresponsive. It was all she could do to twist her body just before impact so she landed on her right shoulder instead of face-flat.

    Vera stood up hurriedly, looking back to her sister who was still sleeping to be sure her fall went unnoticed. Sighing in relief, she dusted herself off with a small smile on her face.

    "All clear amiga, no one saw that," the voice  in her head said

      It was as she was still dusting herself off that she realised that she was feeling a lot better; the fall, it seemed had knocked a few questions out of her head and so It was a slightly less confused Vera that stumbled into her room

      The light of the full moon illuminated her room with dim white light, in the faint light she couldn't help but notice how much her room needed re-arrangement. Her eyes were drawn to a wighead lying hairless on the floor; in the blue light of the moon, it looked creepier than it had any right to, it looked almost human.

      Vera placed the wighead back on her study table and was going to bed when she had a rethink and went back to cover it with a cloth, she knew she wouldn't feel very comfortable with a head staring at her while she slept.

     She was just about to jump into bed when she figured she was a little too stinky for her own good and was probably as dusty as somebody who has walked many days in the wilderness. She decided a shower was of grave importance and so In the dim light of the moon she stripped herself of her dirty clothes, enjoying one of the pleasures one can only enjoy in the confines of one's own room.

      The cold air on her skin felt every bit as delightful as she knew it would be and more; there was nothing as pleasurable as being free of the burden of clothes. She realized she was thinking like carol, an exhibitionist in a novel she had read.

      The warm stream of water from the shower rained down on her head, massaging her scalp. Vera let out an audible moan as the water ran down her naked back, seeming to wash her tiredness away from her body along with her sweat.  She realized how wrong she had been, showering after a long day was the best.

      Her eyes were still closed against the unrelenting stream of warm soothing water when she grabbed the soap and rubbed it into her hair, feeling a new wave of pleasure as the soap ran down her hair and neck, washing away even the questions that ate at her mind. Vera was in a new world where emotions didn't exist; just her in her raw state, floating in a garden of roses in the rain.

     Vera's false reality was interrupted by the squeaky song of something wet and hard rubbing against smooth glass. She shut her eyes tightly in a desperate bid to hang on to her world but it was too late, it had already gone to the faraway world where imaginations die hard

    Vera opened her eyes to find the offending sound. Her eyes were drawn to the bathroom sink mirror which seemed to be making the noise. Hurriedly turning off the tap, she moved closer to it

       Vera saw; layered above her reflection, the words appearing on the mirror, written in fresh red blood. It was like an invincible finger was writing from behind the mirror, the worse words any birthday girl could ever hear 

     "Happy death day, Darling "

     Vera stood, frozen in place as she awaited her promised death. She watched in horror as her reflection transformed into the smiling image of one who haunted her dreams and her reality.

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