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JAMES POTTER STUMBLED ACROSS THE corridors, glancing around to see if anyone saw. He'd been doing his rounds, hoping Lily wasn't around. She was the type to boss people, yelling at them when they did something wrong. Being a head boy was difficult, tedious to be exact. James wasn't sure how he got the role, but it felt amazing. He liked being someone with power, taking off house points, and becoming a good role model. It was what his ego needed; a place in authority.

His seventh year was a whirlwind of emotions. James couldn't decipher the fact he was about to graduate. It seemed too soon, too fast even. There wasn't enough time to say what he wanted or express how he felt. Stakes were high, darkness brewing outside the stoned walls. He wasn't sure how his parents were doing, not hearing from them in a while. James wasn't worried, but a sinking feeling crept under his skin.

"Prongs?" Peter tapped him on the shoulder. James fixed his tie, loosening it a bit. "You seem tense." He glanced at the ground, deep in thought.

"In truth, I am," James confessed. "Have you heard about the rumors?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head. "The rumors about the war brewing outside the castle walls?" Peter shook his head once again, arching an eyebrow in confusion.

"I haven't heard of them." Peter ran a hand through his hair. "You know me. I'm not the type to stay updated with the news that much." James nodded, putting his hands in the pockets of his robe.

"I'm scared," he admitted. "My parents haven't written back in a couple of weeks. I can't help but think something terrible has happened." Peter gave him a look of sympathy, reaching out for his hand.

"I don't think anything bad has happened to your parents," Peter reassured. "Maybe they're busy." James bit back a scoff, frantically walking back and forth.

"That's the thing!" James told. "They can't be busy because they're old. It's unlikely of them to leave me without a message for weeks."

"You're right." Peter trailed off, his left forearm burning. He stumbled onto the wall, hissing in pain. James took notice of his behavior, putting an arm around his waist.

"Are you alright?" James inquired, tone filled with worry. Peter felt the burning increase, tears welling on the brim of his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Peters's words came out breathy. "I'm just a bit rounded up from days prior, no worries." James narrowed his eyes, recalling what Peter did a couple of days ago.

"What did you do days prior?" James felt oblivious to Peter's words. He couldn't remember what the boy did. "As far as I recall, I don't remember you telling me about this."

"I forgot to tell you." Peter quickly put forth. "I fell while on a walk yesterday. My sleeves were above my elbows, the concrete underneath me. You can imagine what happened next."

James heaved out a sigh, letting go of Peter's waist. He trusted Peter, and if he said that happened, well—it happened.

"Did you trip on your feet?" James asked, biting back a laugh. Peter rolled his eyes, punching James on the side.

"Yeah," Peter conceded, getting bashful. James let out a much-needed laugh, putting his arm around Peter's shoulder. "See! That is why I don't tell you things. You always laugh and make me feel embarrassed."

"I'm sorry." James laughed through his words. "I couldn't help myself. You're too funny, Wormtail." Peter jokingly punched James on the rib, laughing with him as well.

"You're correct," Peter smirked. "I am naturally funny. Thinking about it, I bring humor to the group." James breathed in deeply, turning his head side to side.

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