Hate or Love? Pt 32

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Hey guysss! Sorry it's been awhile. Lots has happened TvT literally everyone I know has Covid, and our school isn't gonna go to virtual any time soon. Sooo I'm really worried about that. Also I'm proud to announce the next book coming out for me is a rare ship book! It's just that there are so many ships that people haven't written about that I just need to coverrr like tendou x tsukishima or Suna x Akaashi. Also obvi poly ships because I don't see enough for this smh 🤦‍♀️. Enough talking tho let's get started. Also we are going to Iwaizumi and Oikawa's perspective!

Iwaizumi: Maybe I'm going crazy, but do you here something?

Oikawa: Oh great! I thought it was only me.

Iwaizumi: Shall we take a look princess~!

Oikawa: We shall my prince~

As they start walking to were they hear the noise, Oikawa gets hit with the scent of her pheromones. He can clearly tell one is and alpha and one is an omega.

Oikawa: Someone's getting banged~!

Iwaizumi: No need to state the obvious.

As he said this they both reached the room, they took a peak inside only to regret it. In there they saw their lover banging Atsumu.

Oikawa: We'll that's unexpected.

Iwaizumi: Uh- didn't know he would do that

Oikawa: Is it really cheating though?

Iwaizumi: I think your in denial.

Oikawa: You know what, we probably did see it properly!

Oikawa being a dumbass leans on the door to get a better look, only to bust it open-

Iwaizumi: Dumbass

Oikawa: Ow-

All 4 of them stood there awkwardly until Iwaizumi spoke up.

Iwaizumi: Well move aside, give me a crack at him.

Sakusa and Oikawa were shocked at Iwaizumi's statement.

Iwaizumi: Well ya both like him, don't lie.

Oikawa: Maybe a tad

Sakusa: N-No! Not at all!

Iwaizumi: Why we're you banging him then?

Sakusa: Wha- W-Well uhm when he did that I was super mad, b-but then it reminded me of Kaori..and when she did it. I just couldn't help myself...he reminds me so much of her..

Oikawa: Awhhh Kiyo share your feelings with us next time.

Sakusa: Shut up!

While they were all casually chatting Atsumu tried to break for it.

Iwaizumi: And where do you think your going?

Atsumu: Bathroom..?

Iwaizumi: Don't even think we're done with you..Kiyo only got started..

Another fun way to end of today nighty nighty loves

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora