Chapter 35- I will try to believe your words Rose

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I went back to work even though I was trebling from fear and anger.

"It is alright Rose your parents at least love you-"

At that moment I remembered that they forgot about my existence.

I have nobody left.

Am I even able to give Endymion a happy ending?

I sink down on a chair and tears started falling down from my eyes.

"Why are you crying?!"

I hear fast steps and someone embraced me.

"A-Alex?How did y-"

Before I could finish she cut me.

"I am sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" she said while her cheeks turned red.

She grabbed my face and took a good look at it.

"I didn't hit you two times?"

I gasp and used my hands to shake her off me.

"It is nothing.I need some time alone.Don't worry-"

I am a mess right now.

I can't let myself be exposed like that in front of Alex.

She used her hands to wipe my tears.

"Who did that?"

I locked eyes with her.

She seems determined.

"Ha.... Fine.I heard Endymion's father yelling so I decided to check if he needed something but as you can see that wasn't the case."

She signed.

"Do you still believe that that man is good?"


"I never was on Endymion's father side!What do you mean?!"

She laughed a bit .

"But when it comes to Endymion..."I said.

I paused.

"I have promised to take care of him and protect his happiness from afar.That is the only thing I can say now."

Alex seemed confused.

"Why? And to whom did you promise that?"

I covered her mouth with my hand gently.

"I can't say."

I take a few steps back.

"I know it seems a bit weird but I am not able to tell further than that.The only thing I can reveal is that Endymion isn't a bad person."

I can't say anything since the book restricted me from that.

Alex smiled.

"I am sorry I was mean to you from the start.I am usually very bad at communicating but I decided to reveal my true self to you."

She decided to reveal what?

"Was all that dislike attitude an act?"

She nodded.

"I am very suspicious of people and the maids know that as well.So yes you could say that.I usually pretend to be cold or distant so people will not get close to me.But I decided to reach out to you and trust your words.I find your opinion quite interesting."

She did indeed.

Alex grabbed my hand.

"I apologize again.I don't want you to dislike me but I couldn't help but be suspicious of you at start."

I smiled at those words.

"I thought you didn't like me but I don't want you to hate me as well.I also acted selfishly I am sorry too."

Giggles escaped her mouth.

"You know I was very suprised at how patient you were when we first met.You seemed a pretty warm and bright person but I still had to test your limits."

I nodded.

"So you will treat me nicely from now on?"

Alex slapped slightly her hand on my back.

"Oh!"I said suprised.

"I will keep the act since not everyone is trustworthy here.I know that from first hand experience.You also did understand that this isn't the best working place right?"

I nodded.

"Yes! Thank you for keeping it real.I will not misunderstand from now on! I also want some advice from you."

"Yes please go on!"she said and smiled from ear to ear.

I am not used to this Alex!

Damn ahah.

"Ah- So since you are more experienced than me...Can you please tell me who is trustworthy here?"

It is bold to ask that but some help wouldn't hurt anyone!

"Aw.Thank you for trusting me.Lilly and I are cousins and I can assure you that you can trust us."

I brighten up.

"So that means we can be best friends right?!"

Oh my! I got so excited.

"Hahahaha- Yes we can be if that is what you wish.I only trusted Lilly until now but you seem too bold to do anything bad.And...young master may also be hiding his true self all these years and act like I do."


What that an insult?!

I pouted.

She laughed and put her hand on my hair and messed with it.

"I will try to believe your words and see young master from another perspective.   It seems a bit more believable now."Alex said and took her hand off me.

My hair is a mess.

I try to fix it with my hands.

*Ring* *Ring*

"That is-"Alex said and looked at me.

"Yes Alex.It is the young master.I have to go now."

"Be careful..."she said.

What does he want now?

Maybe he wants me to help him get changed or does he intend to go somewhere?

I open the door to his room.

"Did you call young master?"I said and smiled.

He got up from the chair he was sitting and approached me slowly.

To be continued...

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